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"The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy." – Friedrich Nietzsche


TIME: 19:24:02

DATE: KOSHA 17, 687 IC

Traversing through the vast expanse Rugcester Territory was a large formation of the Saderan Empire's Western Legions under the command of Imperial Legate Jonuz Di Bilsimus. The Western Legions were the Empire's primary military presence in that region.

As stated before, the Empire was undergoing a policy of aggressive expansion with the intent of conquering all of Falmart under its rule. The Western Legions had waged a brutal decade's long campaign in that region to subjugate small settlements and minor kingdoms with the goal of reaching the Barboro Sea. With the Western coast in their control, the Saderan Empire could establish trade with another continent after news of Imperial explorers making contact with another entity beyond the oceans.

Emperor Molt, in his earlier days, saw an opportunity in trading with this new power and the prospects of extending his influence to another continent so he sanctioned a massive army to secure the Western coast of Falmart. He understood that he may not live to see it through but he can take solace that he laid a strong foundation for which future successors may build upon.

Any settlement was given a choice: submit or be conquered. Some chose to submit and others chose to fight but once in a while, someone would break the rules a bit for their own personal gains or just for the fun of it.

Just a little over ten years ago, the Western Legions have conquered most of Western Falmart with the exception of the Jaseza Desert for obvious reasons, and had reached the coast. With their objective finally completed, the Legions were formally garrisoned there in order to safe guard the expected Saderan civilians that were projected to settle there and to maintain Imperial dominance.

Up until now, the Legions maintained a tight grip everything West of Knappnai Mountain Range in the name of the Empire. Numerous times, the Legions had to put down a rebellion here and there but it was nothing that could not be handled by a sharp blade and a trusty spear. Once the region had stabilized, more than a few trading towns and ports were established along the Western coastline in just a few years.

Everything was quiet until the overall commander of the Western Legions, Imperial Legate Bilsimus, received a message from the newly made Consul Meridius that informed him that the Empire was in grave danger from a powerful enemy from beyond the Gate and they needed all the man power they can muster.

Though he was surprised that Meridius had been given the rank of Consul, Imperial Legate Bilsimus knew that the implications of such a promotion was dire. The rank of Consul was only given if the very existence of the Empire itself was threatened and he knew that there was no time to waste as he was a fiercely loyal subject of the Empire.

At full strength, the Western Legions numbered well over two hundred thousand. Imperial Legate Bilsimus had wanted to take the full force initially but common sense won out because he knew that if he brought the entirety of the armies with him, it would leave the Western lands and the important trading ports of the coasts undefended and susceptible to attacks.

As a compromise, he would take only two hundred and thirty thousand back to Saderan lands while the rest remained under the command of someone Bilsimus could count on.

When everything was set, Imperial Legate Bilsimus led the march back home through the Rugcester Territory, a massive expanse of land South of the Knappnai Mountains as going through the Jaseza Deserts would be suicide.

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