Front Towards Enemy

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"Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everybody you meet." – Gen. James Norman Mattis


DATE: KOSHA 29, 687 AC

TIME: 16:54:20

"Nightmare 0-1, This is Warlord. Be advised: the 2nd Battalion – callsign: Avenger – and a UN contingent is Oscar Mike. ETA: thirty minutes."

Frost grew curious as to how the UN was involved on this but it did not matter; whatever help came their way would be welcomed as long as it came from a trustworthy source. "Copy all, Warlord. Relay to Avenger: their LZ is the Southern fields of the city. Will be popping green smoke to indicate the position. Over."

"Roger on relay, Nightmare 0-1. Warlord, out."

Frost let out a silent breath before he nodded at SFC Collier, SFC Mills, and 1LT Wilson. "Reinforcements are coming as well UN Force. They'll be here in less than thirty mikes."

The three men nodded in understanding. "What's the next play, sir? How do we do this?" 1LT Wilson asked.

"I'm working on it. I'll think of something when I have sufficient intel." Frost informed them as he watched some Italican and Elbian soldiers directing people along to ready everything from supplies to defenses. Word spreads very quickly if it meant survival. "SFC Collier, what's the status of ODA 5235?"

Immediately, SFC Collier contacted the ODA team assigned to make contact with Objective: Chronos. "ODA 5235, this is Nightmare 0-3. Interrogative: what is your status and location?"

"This is ODA 5235, solid copy on your last. We're currently on horseback escorting Objective: Chronos and his student to Italica on the Stratow Path after we heard the call – approximately eight clicks out. /Break/, We may a bit of a complication here."

SFC Collier and the rest grew curious at this. "What kind of complication?"

"Approximately twenty minutes ago, we made contact with a young woman that closely fits the description of one of those Apostles here. Said she was heading towards Italica as well; says something about being drawn to it." The three men were surprised as this could drastically alter their whole operation in a very bad way. "I've already notified CENTCOM about this. Over."

Frost decided to take over. "ODA 5235, this is Nightmare 0-1. Has the subject identified herself and can you clarify her intentions?"

"The subject has identified herself as Rory Mercury, sir." Frost frowned under his mask; that was the Apostle who was supposed to be one of the few good ones according to the Count. "All she said was she was being drawn to Italica because of something. There must be something or someone important to her there, I don't know. Initial assessment of her behavior: annoying, unpredictable, and extrememly dangerous. Request advisement. Over."

So, it would appear that one of the Apostles have made themselves known. Despite this one being a supposed good one, Frost will not trust an unknown. He made that mistake one too many times and it cost him dearly.

Even still, it would be wise not to antagonize these Apostles for now. Not until they knew of their capabilities and ways to counter them should the need ever arise. The only way to realistically do that was to invite the subject in and observe her closely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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