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I ran into the classroom just in time to hear the teacher call my name. I hurried down to an empty seat, and mumbled out an embarrassed “i’m here”. I opened up my way to old and used up pack bag to find my math book, and my notebook. I always carried my notebook with me everywhere. It was my most beloved item. It was nothing special to look at. Just a plain black notebook, but it was what was inside of it there meant the world to me. The teacher cough at me for being slow and not paying attention. I was so embarrassed. I was normally never late, mostly because i hated attention, and turn all red when people look at me. For the rest of the class i tried to keep my eyes on the blackboard, but my eyes keep glinting over to the the second front row, because there she sat. Lizz, or as I called her, my hopes and dreams, the light of my life, the reason I’m here, and now I'm getting to creepy again. Well of course she was not my will to live, but she was the reason I still went to school. I know it sounds over dramatic, and a bit obsessed, but you would know how i felt if you meet a person like her. Her long black hair, there always shinned and looked so smooth. Her amazing fashion style there would make anyone envy, and of course I also noticed she have the most amazing body, I’m a human after all. But yeah it was not only her outer, even though that would had been enough, but she also had a fantastic personality. She was clever, and always knew what to say. She was brave, and strong, never really bothered with other people's bullshit. She also was very funny, and had a charming laughter when she laughed at her own jokes sometimes, and no surprise she was one of the most popular girls at school. If you haven’t noticed I’m not exactly one of the “cool kids” so Lizz and I actually never had a real conversation, only the short ones like “can I please borrow a pencil” or something like that. She also had a boyfriend or well they wasn’t official yet, but the whole school assumed Ben and Lizz was dating. I personally didn’t thought they was a good fit, but what do i know. Class ended, and i walked out just behind Lizz. Someday i will go up and talk to her, but today was not that day. I almost got knocked over by Ben jumping out infront of Lizz to scare her, and me just walking into him, and almost falling back over. He laughed and grab me to help me keep the balance. “I’m so sorry you wasn’t the one who was supposed to get surprised” He said while smiling apologizing. Lizz looked at me, well the most of the people who just left classed did to. I quickly bowed my head down. “not think about it I’m fine” I said while storming as fast as i could away from the situation. I left school early that day. I know it wasn’t a big deal, but I was shaking. so I went home. well later i did after I had taking care of some important things.    

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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