Chapter 12: A Phantasm Of Pain

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He just stared at me, but his gaze is not recognizable due to his metallic mask, and three red lines of glaring red were like lasers pointed at me. I gulped a bit, as he came closer to me. His white hair swishing with the wind and his dark blue green suit made him apparent. His hands were on his pockets.

"I could help you with your minor inconvenience." He said with casual vibes. I was truly freaked out by this thing actually.

"Um... I would appreciate it, I think...?" I muttered back unsurely.

"Hah... it's nothing, kid." He chuckled. "I'm glad someone took this up by chance."

"Uh no, I didn't." I replied quickly, correcting his statement. "We are working up against some fake schoolmate of ours, and--"

He peered his eyes at me. "Wait a minute... what do you mean by 'we'?"

I really wanted to get back to business, but this guy might be my only chance to get the info I needed for my first case. Urgh... how many more times do I have to play with him??

"There's an another one working up against that hag-witch." I answered with a bit of an cold steel. "And he needed that information on the other line. That is our only hope to close this case."

He went silent for a while. Maybe digesting my intention, and simply looking over the steel door. He nodded after some moment of silence, giving me a set of some sort of strange device, its wires getting loops over my arms.

"That's your gig." He smirked. "Use this on the back wall and you should hear them just fine."

I looked at the device. It has some sort of earpiece, a switch that connects to the transceiver, and a nozzle, which is probably used to connect next to the wall. How did he even know any of this?

"I didn't catch your name, kid." He reminded me once more. "Mind if I care to ask for it?"

"Well, since you helped me, I guess it wouldn't be a trouble." I nodded and wear a smile at him. "I am Apollo Justice, sir."

The guy just chuckled back at me, looking pleased. "Nice to meet you, Apollo. And I am Godot. Have fun with my toy, I hope you could bring some entertainment on the trial today." He gleamed, and I pondered why would he watch the trial either. He was on the prosecution after all.

Now that his name are clear to me, its no wonder I know him. So he is Godot. That one who always reads law books in the library on his own. We usually meet, but I always scramble away or get to other things around the library. I never knew this guy personally before until now.

"Uh... very well!" I assured him, grasping his gizmo a bit careful. "I promise we will perform our best to get an acquittal."

"I'm sure you will." He said to me as he left the detention center.

Now that I have the right tool for sneaking in, I quickly went to the back wall's corridor, pitch black but there's a bit of lights that helped me see the edges. I attached the nuzzle and the earpiece ready.

Time to dig out the dirty dealings.


June 7, Friday
Defense Quarters, Classroom
12:27 PM

Phoenix's P.O.V

For the last 3 hours remaining for the trial to begin, I gathered and munched on much information that was thrown at me. I felt like I miss something, but probably it was Apollo's share that is only remaining. Maybe this could be our ticket out for the verdict-- and expose the true culprit at the same time. I doubt they were out in the University playing with something of interest.

Apollo... where are you now exactly?

"Hey, the trial's going to begin." It was Mia, emerging from the door.

"It will be fine." I looked back at my notebook, trying to remember anything we've gathered so far. "Apollo's got to be bringing some crucial information or else we might fall into someone's strings."

"Well, let me ask you this." Mia looked at me squarely. "Do you believe in me? That I'm innocent, and not a manipulator of justice?"

She spoke like it was a formal affair that needs responsibility. A responsibility that never fades, no matter how time goes. I was surprised at her. Normally, I expected her to say that I should give up, knowing that the evidences listed up are pointing towards her, casting suspicion.

"Mia, I swear to myself that you're innocent, and not some half-baked forger that seeks attention. No matter what the prosecution might say, I will prove them wrong. They chose their own fate as they get absorbed into the rumors so easily."

Mia shook her head. "Sad to say, they are blinded as well, Phoenix. We can't blame them. All we need to do is to bring out the truth hidden somewhere. It is the reason why I exist. To expose the lies and get to the real deal. Do you understand now?"

I blinked. She exists... because she seeks some 'truth'...?

"Hey there!" The door banged open, revealing Apollo with some wires laying loose on his head down to his chest.

I gave him a smile as he reached us in the table. "Seems you made it, Apollo."

"Yeah..." He smiled back sheepishly. "... that fake girl is surely going down, for sure!"

Mia peered closer to Apollo's new-founded gadget. "Well, what do we got here?"

Apollo scratched his head as he held the gadget. "Um... since I can't enter the detention center with some occupants in it, so I got this! All I have to do is to attach this to the back floor and then I can hear what they're saying over the metal soundproof walls. Cool right?"

"Well, I guess this is our key evidence indeed. Good work, Apollo." Mia nodded with gratitude.

"Heh he... its nothing, Ms. Fey." Apollo shrugged. "At least, I did something for saving me back when someone framed me too that I was some kind of leashed freak."

Reminds me of Kristoph. I should really forget about that ex-poison-scientist-maniac.  I looked at my watch. It was 12:29 already.

"Well, I guess we better get going then." I fixed my necktie a bit. "Never be late on a trial, right?"

"Yeah!" Apollo pumped his fist up, helping me clean up and organize our evidences as well as our notes. I thought we just made a research out of those papers.

And we left the classroom. We have some dirty digging in the courtroom.

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