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~At hospital~

Olivia was passed out. The doctor had come in earlier and told us that she was okay, just a bruise. Currently, Olivia was sleeping in the hosptial bed and everyone had packed in the hallway outside. Niall had disappeared, and no one really cared where he was. Even Liam was devistated. Liam had his back turned to everyone and was facing the wall. He was sighing deeply and I walked over to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly. Liam sighed and faced me. His eyes were kind of droopy and he was sniffling a little. "I feel so bad for Olivia, but I can't believe Niall did that to her. He could never hurt anyone," Liam said, frustrated. "I don't even know why he would do that," he finished. I sighed. " We all mistakes," I replied. "But why would he do that?! Niall would never hurt anyone, nevertheless a girl he loves. The lad's crazy," Liam stated. I just nodded and looked into Olivia's room. She was still out cold. I looked back to Liam. "I'm going to go find Niall," Liam sighed. I turned my head to Tori, who was crying quietly. She had her head turned into Harry's chest, and he was singing to her softly. Harry was stroking her back and she would take a little gasp for air and then bawl again. Ally was staying strong and holding Zayn's hand for comfort. Lindsey and Louis were down in the cafeteria getting snacks for all of us. I hoped that the fans weren't pestering them. They hadn't exactly gone "public" yet.

(Liam PoV)

I left Kelly and wandered down the hallway, not knowing where Niall would have hidden. I turned a few hallways and the walkways just got emptier and emptier. I was getting close to the back of the hospital when I heard a few sobs that sounded like Niall. I peeked down the last hallway and say Niall sitting on a bench, crying. I rushed over to him and enveloped him in a hug. "Where have you been? Why are you here?" I flooded him with questions. Niall pushed me away from him. "I can't believe I hit my girlfriend," he sobbed. " I don't even know what was going through my head," he said. I just stood there awkwardly and watched him cry. He turned to the wall and pounded it repeatedly. I waited for him to stop hitting the wall and then I spoke up. "If you loved her, then you wouldn't have hit her," I stuttered a little. Niall looked at me with red eyes.

"Do you think so?" he asked. I nodded my head with shame, but I knew it was true. He knew it too. Niall never hit anyone that he loved, he never did that. But I guess Olivia wasn't someone he loved enough, and he paid the price for it. "But I do love her, Liam, that's the problem. I love her with all my heart. I, I just don't know what went through me that made me me want to hit her. I was just not having a good morning." he admitted to me. I replied, " I love Kelly, but I never would have hit her, no matter what. That's not what a good boyfriend does." Niall just snorted. "Sorry I'm not 'like you',Liam," he said with attitiude. I wanted to slap him. SO. BAD. "Niall, I DON"T CARE if you're not like me. You're not supossed to be. But no matter what, what kind of boyfriend would hit their girlfriend? It makes no sense," I said. Niall sat back down on the bench. "I need to make things right with her," he sighed. Niall stood up and started pushing me along with him. "Where are you going?" I asked. "We're apologizing to Olivia," Niall smiled behind me. I loooked back at his face and he was blushing. I knew it. I was wrong. He loved Olivia still.

(Kelly PoV)

Liam was still gone. I was wondering where he went. Just then, Doctor Johnson arrived in the hallway. He walked up to me. "Are you her friends?" he asked motioning to all of us. Lindsey was the first to hop up. "NO SIR, I AM HER WIFEY," Lindsey said and snapped her fingers in a Z- formation. The doctor just stayed normal and said, "She's awake. You can see her now." Dr. Johnson turned on his heel and walked back down the hall. Just then, Liam came down the hall with Niall, pushing him? When Liam came towards me I hugged him and he stroked my hair. "Niall's going to apologize, it'll be okay," he said. All eyes were on Niall as he walked into Olivia's room. Nobody else followed him. Ally gave him a snort as he walked through. I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. We hated him for something that happens to other girls all the time. Niall walked in. Harry and I were the first to eavsdrop in the doorway.

(Niall PoV)

I walked into Olivia's hospital room. She was blinking slowly and moving her fingers in circles. "Hi," I said in a little voice. Olivia looked up at me and her eyes grew wide. I just sighed and rubbed the back of my head. She just looked and slowly turned on her side on the bed. I took a seat next to her on the guest chair "Listen, Olivia. I really didn't mean to hit you. I was just frustrated. I was drunk and I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry Olivia. I didn't mean it, you have to believe me. I love you, my princess. I wish you could give me another chance. I don't know, I should probably go." I stood up from my chair. Olivia was silent and I was about to walk out when she stopped me. "Stop, don't go," she said softly. I turned around and bolted straight to her side. Olivia turned back onto her back and stared up at me. "I believe you, Niall. You were drunk, how could I blame you. I was just looking after you. I love you, too," she said weakly, but her smile said it all. I rushed down and gave her a hug. Louis knocked on the door and everyone came in. They all saw Olivia awake and came to her. Liam pulled me aside, though, and asked under his breath, "You apologized to her?" "Yeah, I think we made up," I replied. I breathed a sigh of relief. Olivia called me over and pulled my ear close to her mouth. "I forgive you," she said. I smiled at her. Things were finally good again.

A Liam Payne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now