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Chapter 2

He pushed past me. “Sorry, love,” he said, turning around to look at me. His face looked serious, but when he saw me his hard eyes turned into beautiful chocolatey brown moons. He stuck out his hand. “Hello, I’m Liam, uh, Liam Payne. And you are?” I shook his hand. “Hi, I'm Kelly. Hey aren't you in One direction?" I asked. "Yes, but it's winter vacation for us and I'm going to spend some time with the boys in London," he said. Was it just me or was he blushing a little? "Oh, cool, it's winter break for me too, what a coincidence!" I smiled. Olivia was watching me a few steps away with the wierdest smile I've ever seen in my life. I couldn't help but laugh at her. "What?" Liam asked, looking the way I was pointing. "That's my best friend Olivia, she's an odd one," I laughed.

Olivia walked over and they introduced themselves. We all flashed our passports and boarded the plane. We tried to arrange the seats so we could all sit together, and it was funny watching the flight attendants stress out over it. One of the attendants names was Marie, and I noticed that every time Liam mentioned that he was in One Direction, one of her eyebrows wrinkled just a little and her eyebrows looked like caterpillars. We all got a laugh out of that. Liam, Olivia and I ended up all sitting together, with Liam on the aisle seat, me in the middle, and Olivia 'called permanent dibs' on the window seat. I honestly don't think anyone understands her except me. The flight was longer than I expected, and I ended up falling asleep on Liam's shoulder. Which, by the way, I totally didn't mind.

When the plane landed in London, the first thing I did was admire all the snow on the ground. Olivia started jumping around in the snow and I twirled around. Liam looked at us like we were mental, but we just kept going, because we kind of are. He laughed and dragged us along into the airport. People definitely noticed Liam, it was hard to watch him because too many people blocked him. I heard Olivia kind of grunt next to me, and she huffed out a breath. "Okay, I'm done," Olivia said. She grabbed my arm and started to wave through the sea of people like an expert. She glided past everyone really easily. She didn't stop at all until we got through to Liam, and she liked it better when all the people were behind her. She calls it people waving, and if it was an Olympic sport she'd be in first.

Liam looked a little suprised that we didn't get trampled, and Olivia just smiled proudly. I worry about her. Like, a lot. Liam, me, and Olivia ducked away into a coffee shop, where luckily people were too busy on their laptops and hogging all the free wifi. Liam orded a Chocolate Latte, I ordered a Mocha Cappuchino with Whipped cream, and Olivia got another Pumkpin Spice Latte. That girl needs to cool it. I think even our waitress saw the hyper look in Olivia's eyes. The waitress behind the counter looked really familiar. She kept staring at Olivia and me, and I was trying to figure out who it was. Long blonde hair, green eyes and something about her smile looked so familiar. "IT'S LINNY LOOP!" Olivia screamed into my ear. "My ears are bleeding, Olivia." I said flatly. I took her coffee and dumped in the trash. "Noooooooooooooooo!"Olivia began to pout.

Lindsey took off her apron from behind the counter and hugged us. "I can't believe this! Olly Pop and KeKe reunite!" Lindsey squealed. I laughed and Lindsey said, "Oh my gosh! You're Liam Payne! In One Direction!" Liam laughed. "I guess so! Nice to meet you, Lindsey." Lindsey took off the rest of the day and we all left the airport to go to me and Olivia's hotel. Once we checked in, Olivia and I dumped our bags and went to where One Direction was staying. This was going to be the best vacation EVER.

A Liam Payne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now