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There were so many stores it made my head spin! Liam watched as a looked around in amazement. He laughed and took my hand, taking me over to Jackwills. Everything looked so....British-y. I smiled as I giddily walked over to a cute cream colored knit sweater. Liam put his chin on my shoulder and stared at the shirt with me. "Do you want it?" he asked me softly into my ear. I just drooled over the shirt, "Yeahhhh." He snatched it off of the rack and before I tried to stop him he had a bag and was walking out of the store. I pranced after his and hugged him from behind. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I squeaked. Liam turned around and kissed my nose. "Anything for you, Kelly." I blushed and got all hyper off of his kiss. I bolted ahead to find Lindsey and Louis and tell them.

A few yards ahead were Lindsey and Louis. They were holding hands and laughing about something that only they would understand.  I pushed myself between them and they both gave me he death glare. Louis looked at Lindsey at they just started laughing again. Crazy little weirdos. They just locked fingers wih eachother again and oushed past me. I hmphed and ran to Olivia and Niall. Niall had dragged her to the food court and Zayn and Harry were eying them carefully. I snuck next to Harry and he laughed. Then we saw something no one else has ever seen. IN THEIR LIVES. NIall gave Olivia half of his chicken sandwhich! Zayn literally gasped and gave away our position. Niall growled and just ignored us. Harry, Zayn and I burst into hysterics, not stopping until Liam finally found us and gave us a lecture on why it was rude to be watching Niall and Olivia.

After he crammed words and "wisdom" down our throats, Liam guided me through the food court. We found fried chicken, and Liam stopped me in my tracks. "Want some?" he questioned, raising his eyebrow at me. "How about YES," I said and rushed him into line. We ordered about 5 buckets of chicken but Niall sniffed out out and ate 4 of them. I ate about half of the bucket and Liam took whatever was left. Our whole group was tired of fans ratting us out, so we got some more cabs and went back to the mansion. All of us decided that it would be fun to go outside and get all of our energy out, (except Zayn, he fell asleep. Again.) so went out into the backyard. Everything was covered in snow and the gigantic pool was even frozen. Ally was the first to grab a handful of snow and shovel it off of the huge trampoline in the backyard.

All of us pitched in and soon enough the trampoline was being bounced on by all eight of us. Harry stared doing some crazy flips and Ally started in on that. Olivia looked angry and I kew she wished she did cheerleading as a teenager. But all of a sudden she bursted out doing some crazy twirls that no one's ever even seen before. I laughed and Liam hopped over to me. "Come on!" Liam kind of yelled in my ear. He held my hand and I started laughing hysterically as he bounced me all around the trampoline. We stopped in the middle as it started snowing again. The snowflakes stuck to my hair. Liam tucked my hair behind my ear and held me close. He hugged me tightly and his warmth tingled all throughout my body. I hugged him back and felt the world disappear. "I love you," he said. I exhaled. I was never so happy in my life. "I love you too," I replied. We stodd there hugging in the middle of the trampoline, and the world stopped there.

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