Chapter 6

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Two days later...

Your POV

I walk into Beacon's gym with my coffee in hand. I also picked up some croissants for the girls. Raven decided to come with me to the gym wanting to see if our new girlfriends could really protect me.

"Hey Y/N!" Ruby greets me jogging over and grabbing the food

"Hey Rubes." I smile leaning up to kiss her cheek, "Where are the others?"

"Well Blake is still lifting weights, Weiss is preparing for her match with Gwen, Pyrrha and Nora are sparring, and of course Yang is beating a boxing bag to death. She's even got Nebula's face on it."

A pang of sadness hits my heart thinking about my past team. The girls were great, they were nice, caring, and supportive. I don't want Yang to beat her to death!

"Hey, you okay baby?" Raven asks wrapping her arm around my waist

"Yeah." I whisper, "I'm fine."

Raven gives me a look but before she can say anything Ozpin struts over.

"Ms. Branwen I need to talk to you."

She gives poor Ozpin a death glare but it doesn't faze him. I remove myself from her grip turning around to face her.

"Go on and talk to him. I'll be watching over Yang." I place a soft kiss to her lips before running off

I find Yang in the main room with Jaune. The poor blonde haired boy seemed to be her sparring partner. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a yellow and black boxing bag that looked to be split open, and the chain holding it up had been broken. I could also see a picture of Nebula on it, but it's been ripped to pieces.

"Come on Yang! Why did you pick me!?" Jaune cries as he dodges a punch

"You were the only one not busy and besides you walked in at the right moment." Yang smirks as she kicks his kneecap

I flinch and I can hear the audible sound of the bone popping out of place. Jaune yells in pain falling to the hard mat of the ring. I expect Yang to stop but she doesn't. She punches him in the temple just as he tries to get up. She follows it up with a kick to his ribs making him cry out in pain. She continues punching him and I finally decide to step in when I see Jaune bleeding.

"Yang stop! He's had enough!" I scream at her, jumping over the ropes and pushing her away

She storms off to the other side of the ring muttering something under her breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask Jaune kneeling down next to him

He only gives me a weak nod causing me to worry even more.

"Does your head or side hurt? Your knee is definitely out of place but I need to make sure that's the most serious injury."

"M-My head feels like it's pounding, and my ears are ringing. Although I'm a little confused, w-why are there two of you?"

My eyes widen. I grab a nearby medkit and gently dab at his temple and nose where he's bleeding. He flinches away from me, hissing in pain.

"Yep. You've definitely got a concussion, and it looks like a very serious one at that. I don't want you to do any sports, or anything else physical. Just go home and rest. I'll get Ren to drive you home."

I don't want to yell for Ren so I look over at Yang.

"Go get Ren for me please Yang."

"Why should I do it?" She huffs clearly annoyed

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