Full Moon

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 "My heart wants me to come in," you said, approaching your hand to the doorknob, you couldn't read Matt's expression, "but in the first test I had to fight against my mind, in the second my body...and the third against my heart," you backed away from the house, "It's a trap," you looked at him. He smiled.

"That's my girl," he hugged you, moving his arms to make the illusion disappear. Inside of it, you could really see your family, but they were also cognitions, waving to you until they disappeared too. You waved to the nothingness, even with the longing you felt at peace.

"Now let's go for your reward, hot stuff," he stepped away and took off his cape, making a point of stripping in a very comical way, you couldn't help your laughter. Then he winked and threw the cape at you.

"Is this the artifact?" you questioned, still laughing.

"No," he said pinching your nose, "that's called a gift," he teased, "The artifact is in the pocket, but you can't look until you're out of here."

You put the cape on, and it was amazing how it smelled like him, "And how do I know there's really something in my pocket?" you asked.

"Haven't you ever heard the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice? Also, I'd never lie to you" he grinned. "Now, go. Your friends need your help," he signposted onto a passageway to his left.

"Thanks for everything, Matt," you said.

"I do it because I love you," he said, "oh, and (y/n)," he called, "When you find the other io, be sure call him 'Matthew Hot' for me," he winked and you giggled.

"Sure, but if you keep saying things like that you' re gonna make me want to stay longer," it was a joke, but he frowned. He then proceeded to T-pose run aggressively in your direction. You laughed while running away and stumbled on a rock in the passageway, as you looked up you were still laughing and the last thing you saw was Matt's smile as he slowly disappeared. 

You kept a smile on your face and walked the cave's corridors until you found the room where Shiro was supposed to be, but you were surprised to see something else. Staring at you was a kind of wolf, but it should have at least 10 feet and blood-thirsty eyes. A werewolf. You were petrified, the tales about werewolves weren't the kindest: Monsters that can change in any night, but that during the full moon lose control and start killing everything in front of them, you knew what moon it was, but had to look up, through a hole in the ceiling, to see this very same moon you were so afraid of. The werewolf growled towards you and you began to walk backward, trying to get as far away as possible, without taking your eyes off the beast. You were seeking the dagger in your belt, but during your scans of the animal, you saw a scar that passed through their muzzle, further down a bruised arm with a mechanical part. You knew who that was.

"Shiro..." you whispered to yourself, "Shiro, why haven't you told me?" You asked, but he kept on with his wild nature.

Your increase in pitch made him awake to the hunt, he ran and jumped to you. Your first reflex would be to defend against him, but that was prevented by the superior will to hurt Shiro. You closed your eyes, getting ready to be ripped to pieces or worse, but that moment never came, you felt his breath few inches from your neck, but he was standing still, sniffing you. He felt a blend between your smell and Matt's, which made him more docile. He sat down and let out a little howling of suffering, displaying his paw. When you looked, there was a sharp necklace stuck in it, he was bleeding.

"I'll help you, buddy," you held his paw in your hands, it was almost the size of your head, and then proceeded to carefully remove the necklace, he pulled away with sounds of pain and growled at you. You took a deep breath, "Easy there, buddy. I'm going to sing for you, how about that?" he did a blep, and you took that as a yes. You couldn't deny that you were amused by Wereshiro's animalistic nature.

Until your last breath (Matt x Reader) ☆ Magical AU ☆Where stories live. Discover now