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PaperPUpdates: so we are getting multiple reports that Blake pretty much confirmed he and Blair Andrews (the opening act for Someone You Love Tour) are dating. He sang a new song tonight and dedicated it to her calling her his "Valentine"

PaperKarlie: @PaperPUpdates I was there and it was SO freaking cute. You should see them together. I've never seen Blake look so happy!

PaperMJ: @PaperPUpdates Blair was right in front of me during the song and she was so cute! She was teary eyed and he found her right at the end and the way they look at each other is so fucking cute. It seems so genuine, I ship them.

Blair awoke the next morning, rolling over in the hotel bed and pressing herself into Blake's side. He shifted in his sleep, his arms finding her and holding her close as his gentle snores filled the room.

The gesture was so pure and unguarded. His desire to keep her close, even in his sleep was heartwarming. Blair reflected on the night before's events. They'd taken so many steps in their relationship in just one short night.

Blake had taken their involvement public, he'd organized the most perfect date she could have imagined to ask her to be his girlfriend, they'd exchanged their first 'I love you's,' and Blair had lost her virginity.

She didn't regret it, not one single cell of her body showed remorse for the decision. She loved Blake. Blair didn't care if their relationship had been a whirlwind, she didn't care about his reputation. She had fallen in love with the beautiful boy with the kind soul and heart of gold he had proven to be. He'd been through hell and he'd made some wrong turns but he had been nothing but a blessing to her since the day he had walked into her life, or more accurately, since the day she had walked into his.

Squirming in his arms, she moved until she could flip over to face him. He stirred but didn't wake from her readjustment and she brought her hand up to trace his jawline lightly.

He was so beautiful, inside and out.

"Blake? Baby, we gotta get up. Bus call is in an hour and we both need to shower. You have sex hair."

One eye popped open at that comment.

"You wanna save some water? Shower together?" His tone was light but his voice still thick and scratchy from sleep.

"I guess I might be okay with that." She said seductively. "Might not help with the sex hair though." She freed herself from his grasp and sauntered towards the bathroom with a giggle.

In her imagination the display was more sultry but she found it slightly difficult to walk with the soreness between her legs that she hadn't been expecting. It was a silent reminder that she had given Blake a piece of herself she would never be able to get back.

She heard him shuffle quickly out of bed and follow behind her to the large luxurious bathroom. The shower knob spun as she turned it and the sound of rushing water filled the tile covered room. She stepped into the shower, still naked from the night before. The warm water hitting her muscles and relaxing her entire body.

Blake slipped in behind her, the size of the shower stall forcing their close proximity, not that either of them minded. His hot breath fell on Blair's neck and he reached his calloused hands out to grip her waist, they moved up her body, following her curves until they came to rest at the top of her shoulders. His hands moved slowly as he kneaded at them, helping to relieve all the pent up tension she had stored away.

The mixture of his touch and just him along with the water causing a moan to slip from her lips.

Her sounds aroused him but he could see she was still recovering from last night, so he grabbed a washcloth from the shelf, lathering it with soap and bringing it against her skin.

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