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17 weeks

"Blair!" Came the call of the grey haired old man as he came from behind the Diner counter and walked quickly towards her wrapping her in a hug. "And Blake! I'm so glad to see you both! How are you? Blake you are taking care of my girl, I hope?"

"It's so great to see you Deno I'm sorry we haven't been in to see you in a while. We've been pretty good and you know I will always take care of her." Blake started. 

"With the tour and then the accident and everything that's been going on I haven't been out much or really at all except for Scotty's graduation a few days ago." Blair finished. 

"It's nothing Blair, I know you are both big stars and always busy. Always glad to see you when you can make the time. You know you both will always have a home here."

"Do you have a minute? We wanted to talk to you." Blair asked and his face fell slightly. "It's nothing bad I promise." She added and Deno visibly relaxed, allowing them behind the counter and back into his office. 

He sat in his rolling chair behind the desk and gestured for them to sit on the two vinyl chair opposite of him.

"So, what is it that's brought you here today, ah?"

"We, um, we've got some news." Blair said, her eyes lighting up as she bit her lip and glanced between Deno and Blake.

Blake stood slightly and dug in his back pocket for a moment and produced an envelope, extending it out to Deno who took it into his own shaking hand. A questioning look covered the old man's face as he pulled the small paper envelope closer and slid his finger under the binding to open it. 

Blair and Blake waited, holding their breath and teetering with excitement as they waited for him to reveal what they had enclosed. 

He pulled out the small black and white photo staring at it for a moment before his hand slowly lifted up to rub at the stubble covering his chin.

"Is this....this is your baby?" He asked, tears in his eyes as Blair nodded, an elated smile covering her face. 

"Yeah..." She said quietly. "We're gonna have a baby in November."

Deno stood and walked around the desk his arms extended to each of them.

"I'm so happy for you!" He said with tears in his eyes. 

"You're family to me, Deno." Blair shrugged. "We were hoping you would join us tomorrow to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. Blake's friend Dex is throwing us a party for it and we want you to come."

"Of course I'll be there. Whatever you need." He said leaning forward and kissing the top of her head. "I love you like my own, Blair. You know that." 

They chatted for a moment more about the past few months that had passes since they had last seen Deno in person before they gave him the address for the party and headed to their last stop on their little news sharing tour. 

"I hate this." Blair mumbled as Blake pulled open the door to the studio and led her towards the room where both of their bands were waiting. 

"Come on, love it won't be so bad." He said unconvincingly, something off about his voice. "They'll understand."

She gave a long sigh and followed him in to the meeting room. 

"Hey!" A chorus of voices said when they saw the couple enter. 

"Um, hey guys so we have a bunch of stuff to talk to you about and it was easier to just discuss all of this with everyone all at once. I'll let Blair start with the biggest news."

"Um, so you guys know that Blake and I have wanted a baby for a really long time and we went through the miscarriage last year... but when I was in the hospital following my accident we found out that we are expecting." She said with a smile, that news enough to have all of their band members on their feet wrapping them in hugs and congratulating them. 

"Yeah, yeah so we are both obviously thrilled but this is going to effect our Fall tour." Blake said, bringing the mood in the room down. 

"So we are supposed to be co headliners for the tour but because of Blair's accident along with her medical history her doctor doesn't want her play for an hour and a half every night. We thought that meant that she couldn't tour at all." He says surprising Blair who turns to  him confused. 

"Does it not mean that?" She asked him.

"Maybe not." He said addressing not only her but everyone around them. "I spoke with the doctor at our last appointment and pitched him the idea of having her serve as a more of an opener. It's not ideal but she could still get to play some of her new stuff. We'll have to have a medic on our staff and Blair you can only play a thirty minute set, that'll get you like five or six songs, and he wants you seated for most of it. He did clear you to stand and play our duet. Any meet and greets will have to be approved by our medic and he doesn't want you in the middle of any large crowds."

"You came up with this?" She asked him teary eyed.

"Well, yeah, you were so upset about not being able to play. This way you still can. Once your fans find out why we're shortening your set they're gonna be supportive and just thankful that you can preform at all. This takes away all the big things you were worried about. I mean ultimately this is your decision but I felt like I knew what you would think about it. Did I assume wrong?" He asks hesitantly scared that he doesn't know her as well as he thinks he does. 

"No, fuck no. I can't believe you thought of this. It's perfect." 

"Um, so as far as Blair's band," He said redirecting his attention to the three members of her band in the room. Chas, Eric, and Jeb all looked up and nodded that they were listening. "Would you guys still be willing to come on board? The set will be shorter but I assure you we will make sure your pay isn't affected."

They nodded quickly, clearly not bothered by the idea of playing a shorter set for the same amount of money. 

"Okay then. Um, so the tour is supposed to wrap up the end of October, the baby is due the first week in November, Blair will be monitored and there is a possibility that she may not be able to do the entire tour but honestly, if she has the baby early we'll be postponing the tour anyway because I refuse to not be there. That's just how it's going to be. Anyone got a problem with it?" 

His tone at the end was a return to the threatening one he had been more familiar with pre-Blair but this wasn't something he was willing to budge on. His family would always come first. 

He glanced around but everyone seemed to agree with the plan and he visibly relaxed. 

"Okay then, um, Dex already knew. He was there when we found out and has kept this secret for us. He's throwing a get together for us to find out what we're having tomorrow and if you're free we'd love for you guys all to be there."

He stood and exhaled, reaching for Blair and pulling her to him, the scent of her vanilla shampoo calming him down from the anxiety inducing conversation. 

"I'm glad that went well." He mumbled. 

"I still can't believe you found a way to make this happen. Thank you."

"Anything for you, B."

AN: More softness awww

next chapter is their gender reveal!!!!



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