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39 weeks

Blair silently padded through the dark hallway of she and Blake's home. She maneuvered her way to the living room and took a seat on her couch, her hands resting on her extended belly.

She flipped on the television and the room was illuminated in a soft blue-white glow as she settled into the cushions of the sofa.

The clock on the wall read 2:47 AM.

She bit her lip as the same dull ache she'd felt twenty minutes ago wrapped around her, beginning in her back before moving to her lower abdomen.

She closed her eyes and changed positions, trying to determine if what she was experiencing was indeed the start of real labor, like she suspected.

Her movements did nothing to dull the pain and thirty seconds later when it had passed she wrote down the time and settled in to the couch to wait.

"Blake." He groaned in his sleep and turned over, away from her voice as he tried to prolong his sleep.

Her fingers danced across his forehead as she leaned forward to kiss him.

"Blake, baby. You gotta get up."

"Mmm....time is it?" He groaned, rolling over to face her.

"It's like four thirty baby. I'm sorry to wake you up but I think it's time."

"Time...Time for what?" He said, his eyes still closed and his toungue wetting his his lips as he hung in the space between awake and sleep.

"Blake...it's time."

A moment of silence passed between them before what Blair was saying seemed to dawn on him and he sat straight up.

"You're serious?" He asked, the immediate nervousness detectable in his words.

"Contractions for over two hours, their like every seven minutes now and lasting forty seconds. We need to go in."


"Okay." He repeated before his eyes snapped up to her and he went into preparation mode.

"Sit." He said firmly, gripping her elbows as he lowered her on to the bed, an amused smile on her face.

He rubbed at his eyes as he pulled the string on their beside lamp so he could see. He vanished into the bathroom, grabbing the essentials they would need and then walking down the hall to the nursery to grab what Blair hoped was their packed hospital bag.

He returned momentarily, the tan backpack style bag slung over his shoulder. Kneeling down in front of her as a contraction hit her, his hands squeezed tightly in hers until her body relaxed and she smiled softly at him.

"Okay?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Let's go have a baby."

"My mom just got here." Blake told Blair, pushing the hair that had fallen on her face back as her last contraction needed. It was just after six in the morning and they'd been at the hospital for about an hour.

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