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In the week since Blair's initial meeting with her lawyer not much had changed. She'd heard from Mr. Files only once, briefly, to inform her that the deadline for them to file her answer to the law suit was approaching.

Based on the lack of grounds for her parents claim, he had advised her that the best course of action was to file a motion for dismissal. Blair agreed to the dismissal but had refused to file a counter claim against her parents. She hoped that her lack of escalating the situation would lead her parents to realize the absurdity of the whole ordeal and drop the suit.

So far that hadn't happened but, she had high hopes it would in the week between now and the review of their suit by the judge.

She wasn't getting anything done, her mind was a jumbled mess and her creative process had been blown to smithereens. She had a contract and a deadline to meet on top of two music videos the label wanted but no matter what she did she just couldn't seem to find her groove.

"Blair?" Her ears perked up as Blake's voice sounded through the space she was using for her writing session. She and a few well established writers had been couped up in the small room for nearly six hours with nothing more than balled up scraps of paper and frustration to show for their efforts.

"Hi!" She said, standing to greet him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, a grin bursting on to her face as he dipped her slightly and kissed her lips.

"Hi, I brought you a medicine ball." He said, extending his hand to offer her the warm cup of tea.

"I'm not sick." She said, her tone serious.

"Your voice sounded different on the phone and you're stressed, which makes your immune system weak, and I figured it couldn't hurt to be prepared. Plus, you're using your voice more than usual and I knew it would help the strain on your vocal chords." He reasoned.

She blinked rapidly as he looked at her, she was a bit taken aback. He knew her. He knew her to her very core and she loved how much he so clearly loved her. Her throat had been feeling scratchy and she chalked it up to her poor sleeping and eating habits the past few days, coupled with the extensive amount of working hours she had been putting in.

She had to choke back her emotions from his simple, yet incredibly meaningful, gesture as she stood on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you. I love you." She finally forced out still thrown off by the way he knew exactly what she needed when even she herself was clueless.

"I love you too." He echoed before pointing to the stack of papers in front of the seat she'd been occupying when he'd come in. "Have you worked out that melody you were telling me about?"

"Maybe..." she said, a twinkle in her eye as she gave off an air of mischief.

"So I'm guessing that means you're not going to show me anything you've gotten?" He said resigning to what he already knew.

"That would be correct."

He sighed, "but why? I want to hear what you've been working on."

"You've written like four songs about me for your new album and I didn't here them until they were done and you wanted me to. I think I should get the same respect." She said with a smirk, folding her arms across her chest.

"It's about me?" He fumbled over his words his eyes opening widely in surprise. "You're writing a song about me?" His smile spread quickly to cover his face. He was honored. He was flattered. His heart seemed to swell within his chest at her admission.

"So you'll hear it when it's done, yes?" She clarified and he could only nod. She continued to surprise him and he would never tire of her ability to amaze him.

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