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"Have you got his present?" Blake asked, looking over to Blair for confirmation.

"Yep. Two tickets behind home plate for the Padres, he's going to flip." She replied with a small smile as they walked up the front walk to Blake's mothers house.

"Hello?" He called out as they stepped inside.

Blair had barely crossed the threshold before Blake's mom, Andrea, had wrapped her in a hug.

"Hi honey!" She said, pulling away to look at Blair at an arms length. "How are you?" She asked in the knowing way that mothers had. Well, mothers except for Blair's own.

Blair sighed and cast her eyes down. "I don't know. Some days are better than others. Blake tried to hide it but he's been handling it pretty badly. The other night he told me he thought it was his fault. I tried to tell him that's crap but he won't have it, I made us both appointments with a specialist so we'll see how that goes." She said sadly, her eyes scanning the room before settling on her husband as he greeted his brothers.

"These things aren't anyone's fault Blair. It'll happen when it's meant to." She said sincerely, hugging Blair again before releasing her.

Blair choked down her emotions before greeting Cash and Scotty.

"Hey guys! Happy Birthday Cash!"

"Thank you, thank you! So glad my favorite sister-in-law could join me for this special occasion." He grinned.

"I'm your only sister-in-law you dumbass." She said back, rolling her eyes and falling onto the couch in the spot next to Blake.

"The sentiment is still there." He said sincerely.

"Scotty, what's the date of your graduation again?" She asked, looking over to the now twenty-five year old.

"May 29th. I hope you guys can be there!" He said honestly, his voice full of pride.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" She replied quickly. "I haven't heard from you in a bit, we've been shitty. How did match go?" She prodded.

"So well! I matched with the research hospital here in San Diego, so no more long commutes and flights from Boston." He grinned.

"Aw, well we'll love having you around more!" She said.

Blair genuinely loved Blake's brothers. Growing up as an only child she had always craved siblings and she had always been thankful that Scotty and Cash had accepted her so openly when she and Blake had gotten together and they'd treated her like a sister since their first meeting.

"So," Blake said, looking over to Cash with a smug smile. "Will Jenna be joining us for the festivities?"

Cash blushed intensely.

"I, I'm not sure. I invited her but she pulled night shift last night so she may be tired. She was supposed to text me by five if she could make it. I told her we were gonna eat at six"

"I just want to meet her and see that she's real. You've been talking about her for months and none of us have ever met her." Blake teased.

"Not all of us rush right into things!" Cash defended. "No offense Blair, you know I love you."

"None taken." She laughed as the brothers continued to bicker.

"I'm gonna get a drink." Cash said, standing and heading for the kitchen, much more sure of himself with his prosthetic now that he'd had it for nearly two years.

"Where did he meet the girl again?" Blair asked, leaning over to whisper in Blake's ear as Cash fixed himself a drink in the kitchen.

"It is the girl who was his nurse at Oceanside. He got her number and kept in contact throughout his rehab I guess and now that he's got himself back on his feet he asked her out and she said yes and supposedly he's been seeing her for six months but hasn't brought her around to even meet Ma." Blake said back in a hushed voice.

"You think there's a reason?"

"I just think he's nervous. You remember how he just had a really hard time with his adjustment after we got him home from Germany? I think he's still trying to figure out who he is without the Air Force. He's still young and unsure of himself and I don't think he wanted to like jeopardize the best thing that's happened to him in a while."

"Hmm... that sounds like another Everett boy I know." She smiled at him, her eyes glistening in a playful way that he had missed recently.

"Yeah, I'm glad he was never an asshole like I was though. I miss seeing you happy like this, B." He added.

She shifted to lean into him and trained her eyes across the room as Andrea came to sit with them.

"So tell us you two, what's the plan for this year?" She asked, tucking her feet under her on the couch across from them.

"Um," Blair started. "Well we both just finished our album cycles so we'll be in LA in the studio for a bit working on new albums. We thought we had a little more time than we actually do. We've each got six months and then they want to send us out on tour together, a co-headliner that we're obviously thrilled about and then we'll hopefully take a break for a bit." She trailed off, not wanting to get ahead of herself.

"Well that's wonderful!" Andrea finally offered, silencing the awkwardness that had spread throughout the room as Blair danced around the elephant in the room.

"Jenna said she isn't gonna make it." Cash said, a frown on his face as he exited his message app and placed his phone on the table. "Let's just eat." He said sadly.

"Sorry, buddy." Blair said, her hand clapping his back softly as she walked beside him to the kitchen to help with setting the table.

Dinner passed with the laughter and warm conversation that Blair had come to love and expect when visiting Blake's family. She loved spending time with them and they had quickly helped to fill the void that had been left behind by her parents absence.

Cash seemed to improve in spirits as the meal progressed and he was as excited as Blake and Blair had hoped when he opened his tickets.

Blair felt her disappointment when Blake told her they should probably head home.

"I like when we come see them." She said quietly, her forehead pressed against the cold glass of the window.

"Me too." He responds, slipping his hand into hers.

"We could have stayed tonight you know?" She asked him.

"We could have but, um, I have other plans." He said, glancing over to her with darkened eyes, his bottom lip tugged up between his teeth.


AN: Cute family time

Next chapter we get to the smut :)

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