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36 weeks

"What are you doing up?" Blake asked concerned as he moved slowly up the stairs of the bus. "Come on, B. You heard what Dr. Green said, if you wanna keep performing you're supposed to be seated or laying down the rest of the day." He told her.

"I know, I know but your mom is coming and I was just trying to straighten up a bit."

"Babe, it's a tour bus. She used to visit me when it was me and the boys crammed on one bus. We were young and had bad hygiene and ran through girls like-" He stopped himself as she gave him a look. "Sorry."

She sighed as she lowered herself onto the lounge couch.

"No worries. You know I don't judge you for your life before you met me. Just not my favorite topic to discuss." She rationalized and he nodded in understanding.

"Like I was saying though there's no reason to clean. Mom adores you and she's not going to care if the bus is a bit messy."

"Still." She shrugged. "What time is she supposed to be here? Are your brothers coming?"

"She should be here basically any minute. Cash had plans with Jenna's family and Scotty is stuck at the hospital, some big rare surgery he's getting to help with or watch or something. I told them it was fine and we would see them in a few weeks but mom was dead set on coming."

"I miss them." Blair said softly.

"Me too, I'm sure once Bayler gets here though they're gonna wanna come see us a bunch. They both love kids. Plus, Cash is really excited to show you her finished nursery."

"Ugh, I wish y'all would just let me see. I hate that you know what it looks like and I don't." She pouted.

"I'm starting to get nervous." She said after her moment, her eyes darting quickly to his as she admitted how she'd been feeling for days now.

"Aw, Blair, don't be nervous. We've still got a few weeks and you're going to be amazing." He murmured into her ear as he sat beside her, his arms wrapping around her side as he pulled her close.

"I guess I just worry because my parents were so shit." She said, her face buried in his black T-shirt his steady heartbeat comforting her as she confided in him her deepest fears about becoming a mother.

"We're not them, love." Blake said as his hand rubbed across her back, his nails scratching against the cloth of her T-shirt gently to try and comfort her. "We're going to adore her and support her in whatever she does. That in and of itself puts us above yours on the quality parent scale. Not that they set the bar high."

Blake's phone vibrated and he lifted Blair off of him just enough to grab it from his back pocket.

"Mom's here." He said, quickly texting her the bus code so he wouldn't have to get up.

"Hello!" Came Andrea's warm and familiar tone.

Blair immediately felt the smile fly to her face as she stood to be welcomed into her mother in laws arms.

"Hi, darling. Look at you! You're glowing!" She said grasping Blair's hands and holding her at arms length.

"My Blake's been taking care of you?" She asked and Blair laughed as she nodded.

"Apart from eating all of my ice cream up he's been great."

"Hey! It was our ice cream!" He defends. "Hi, ma." He hugs her before pulling me against his chest.

"My girl is about to give me my first grandchild, what ever she says goes." Andrea says pointedly to Blake as he rolls his eyes.

"I wouldn't have invited you if I knew you were gonna come fuss at me." He teases. "Blair does enough of that right now as it is."

"I don't need an invite. I'm your mother. I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it."

"Yeah, right. We all know I'm your favorite child." He says back, a playful smile on his face as he and his mother banter.

"Nah, Blair's been my favorite child since your wedding day and you and your brothers all know this." Andrea said surely.

Blake huffed.

"Women." He replied shaking his head.

"I'm so glad there's going to be another Everett girl. We've gotta get a lot of catching up to do to even the ratio around here." Andrea laughed and Blair smiled.

"Think Bayler might be my only contribution to the cause. As badly as I wanted to get pregnant I have been miserable."

"You'll change your mind once she's here. Blake don't you have some thing to do? I want to talk to Blair."

"And here I thought you came all this way to see me."

"I love you, buddy. I promise we will talk later."

"Yeah, yeah. Kick me off my own bus. I see how it is." He called out after himself as he departed and headed towards the arena.

"So.." Andrea said, turning to Blair as soon as they were alone. "How are you, really?"

Blair let out a heavy sigh and fell back against the couch.

"I'm over being pregnant. I hate being so restricted on tour and I'm trying not to complain too much about it because I know Blake worked his ass off and pulled so many strings so that I could come but I just constantly feel like a failure."

"Why's that?"

"I just feel like no matter what I'm doing I'm letting someone down. I can't give what I want to during my performance so I feel like it's just a disappointment every night to my fans. I feel like I can't be excited about what I am doing because of that so I feel like I'm disappointing Blake. I have made like zero preparations for Bayler, we left that completely up to Cash which feels like I have let down my kid before she's even born. I have this gut-wrenching fear of being a terrible mother and I just genuinely feel like a fuck up."

She nods and places her hand on my knee reassuringly.

"Blair, look at me." My watery eyes find hers, " I love you like you were my own. The music stuff, I know how important it is to you but I can promise if you look through social media your fans are just thrilled they're still getting to see you and that you're doing this for them. They know you'll be back to your usual self when it's safe. The motherhood stuff though, you know how I know you're going to be a good mom?"

I shake my head.

"You care. You care so much. Look what you've done for Blake. My son is not the same man he was when you two met four years ago. You loved him until he loved himself and that speaks to who you are. You are gonna be the best mom Bayler could ask for and you aren't going to repeat your parents mistakes because you don't have their cold hearts and you're already aware of how their behavior affected you. You've got nothing to worry about Blair."

She pulls me in for a hug and I'm reminded of how fortunate Blake is to have grown up with such loving parents and how lucky I am to have been so accepted into their family.

"Thanks. Blake keeps telling me basically the same things but it's just nice to hear it come from another woman, another mom."

"Anytime, Blair. Let's go find Blake and the boys. I haven't seen the rest of them in too long either."

AN: Almost to the end of tour and almost time for BB to become parents 😱🥰

I just want to thank everyone reading this story now! We've added SO many new readers in the past week! I never thought this book would gain many views since it's not one of my fanfics so THANK YOU! I adore this story and my characters and hope you do as well!


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