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The days seemed to pass painfully slow. Blair's one bedroom apartment was too small to accommodate Blake's mom and brother as well as she and Blake so they had taken to staying at Blake's house. 

Blair had worried that she would be intruding on their family but Blake had assured her she was needed there. Scotty had arrived a few days after Andrea, he appeared to be dealing with Cash's disappearance by living in denial. He refused to accept that Cash was missing and insisted that they continue writing letters to his APO address as usual. 

The act broke Blair's heart but who was she to tell him no. 

Blake was dealing with the situation by throwing himself into his work. If he wasn't with Blair at home he was in the studio with the boys. The result was that the boys album was almost finished which pleased the label but Blair worried about how he would occupy his time once it was completed. For everyone's sake she hoped that by that time they would have some answers.

More than once Blair had wondered if what Blake and his family were going through was worse than simply knowing that Cash had died. They were practically stuck in limbo, they couldn't really mourn his death but they didn't have the comfort of knowing for sure that he was still alive. It was confusing and her heart ached for them.

"The label wants me to do an interview today. They want me to talk about Cash. It's been all over the news and stuff." Blake said, joining her on the couch.

"Blake, I don't know if that's the best idea."

"I don't know that I really have a choice." He said sadly. "Plus, it'll give me the opportunity to clear up the stuff about my dad, too." 

Blair felt the pang of guilt in her chest knowing it was her fault he would have to discuss his dad. 

"I'm sorry." She said, quietly. 

"It's fine, B. I gotta go if I'm going to be on time though." He stood and pulled her to his chest. She inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of his cologne, woodsy with a hint of vanilla. 

He departed and she watched out the front window as his car disappeared down the street towards the radio station he was scheduled to interview for. 

"You're worried about him." Andrea said from behind her and she jumped slightly in surprised as she turned to find the woman looking at her carefully.

"I'm always worried about him to be honest." Blair replied taking a seat on the couch that was in the front room.

"Me too." Andrea smiled. "Especially now." 

"I'm really sorry that you all are going through this, Mrs. Everett."

"Blair, I've told you already call me Momma E, Andrea, or pretty much anything else. Mrs. Everett makes me feel old." 

Blair laughed politely and nodded trying to encourage her mind to remember that but knowing it may be useless, her southern manners ingrained in her brain. 

"Well, let's go have some lunch and by the time we finish we can listen and see what my boy has got to say."

They stood and made their way into the kitchen, Blair setting out the variety of meats and veggies they had been using to make sandwiches the past few days. Andrea called Scotty and the three got to work fixing their meals. 

"It should be on this station." Blair said as they all sat in the living room after lunch. The radio host droned on in the background as they waited for Blake's segment. They all sat up when the host announced that they were being joined by a guest.

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