Chapter 7: The Stylists

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The birds were chirping, the sun was shinning -- the day couldn't get anymore perfect. Then I saw Logan laughing with Dakota. My smile turned into a frown, my day was ruined that fast.

I quickly changed into some nicer clothes and joined them at the couch. On the coffee table, there were fruits galore. I picked up a peach and bit into it. It was juicy and sweet, exactly how I pictured it to taste like.

On the TV, they kept on replaying the part when the female tribute from District 10 was being reaped. The girl was laughing and swinging her lasso around. At one point, the lasso got caught on a peacekeeper's leg and the poor guy was flung into the crowd.

I joined them in the laughing until the phone rang. Logan picked up.

", you're the boss...I get problem..."

Dakota paused the replay. "What was that all about?" he asked.

"Holly's stylist wanted her to meet now so they can get designing her outfit." Logan replied.

"Why not my stylist?"

"Dunno. Holly, you better get a move on. All the stuff is set up for taking measurements. You shouldn't keep them waiting. One of the stylists will meet you in the lobby."

I hustled over to the elevator and quickly pressed the button to the lobby. Logan was right, a lady named Gwen was tapping her foot, waiting for me.

Gwen was the weirdest person I had ever seen. She had too much hair spray, making her hair look greasy and stick out in the strangest of positions. Did I forget to mention she had hot pink hair? And maybe this was 'in' or something, but having porcupine spikes out of your cheeks, is insane. Imagine having to wash your face around those.

"Come on, we have a lot to do." Gwen said, pushing me through the door. "We want to start before the other stylists so you can look your best. Obviously, we'll need a background of you and your district, we'll need to clean you up a bit, and get your opinion of who you think is the most beautiful out of your stylists."

I was practically running behind Gwen. We sped through the city until we reached a building titled, 'The Gorgeous Center'. I had a pretty good idea who named it.

I had three stylists: one was Gwen, another was Heath, and the captain was Calia. Gwen was supposedly the most 'in' out of the group. I'll stick to calling her the strangest. Her role was to be in-the-know about what will be the most appealing. Heath quiet and did body care and hair care. And the elegant Calia was the designer. I was instantly jealous of her heavenly appearance.

"Heath, could you get started on the good-looking hair mixture? Her hair is looking a little dull. Try the shampoo that adds shine and volume. Gwen, I need you to take some measurements," Calia sung. "We have a lot of work to do and not enough time to do it in!"

A lot of work to do? Was she saying I needed some serious improvements? I think my self esteem just took a blow.

Looking into my eyes, Calia said, "Sweetheart, I'm going to need to hear some personal things, would that be fine with you?" All I could do was nod my head. "Good, now let's start with something simple. Do you know what your district specializes in?"

I could tell her, but, something inside of her told me not to. I shook my head no.

" about we try your life. We'd like some backstory about you. What was it like growing up in District 14?"

"Nice." I replied.

"Could you be an incy weensy more specific?" I could tell she was starting to get annoyed.

Again, I shook my head no. Calia was starting to pry.

Calia was down to begging. "Just one juicy thing. You don't have to tell the others. You could even whisper it into my ear!"

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "I can do magic."

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