Chapter 12: 1st Training

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I woke up to the smell of District 14 cooking. I was a little disappointed; I was looking forward to another meal Capitol style.

I got out of bed, stretched, and got into the shower. At first it was cold, but it gradually got warmer. The water against my back gave me a wake up call. I need to get some allies for the games, or I'll be the first to go.

I shut the water off and changed into some clothes that were waiting on my bed. For the record, Capitol clothes are WAY more comfortable than District 14 clothes. The violet t-shirt and skirt fit perfectly (almost too perfect). Why can't District 14 have anything better than the Capitol?!

I sauntered to the dinner table and took a seat across from the Logan. Taking a closer look, I noticed that Logan wasn't that old, he was probably only 19 or 20. He was looking down at his food, his brown eyes completely focused on the breakfast salad. I think Logan was just trying to be polite by trying to eat it.

Warning: Dakota's attempt at District 14 breakfast salad is terrible. If he wants you to try it, immediately decline.

I looked over at Dakota. His 'Kiss the Cook' apron was a little long. Dakota was humming a little tune as he was making another batch of breakfast salad.

"Holly, do you want some of the salad? I'm making more," Dakota said.

"I'll pass." So I just grabbed a wheat roll and slathered it with butter. I shrugged on a jacket and decided I'd had to the training center early.

As I was walking out the door, Logan stopped me. "How about you eat more than just a roll? Have an apple." He paused, like he was going to say something else, but then he changed his mind and sat back down.

So I went down to the lobby l with the last of my bread and an unbitten apple. Epsilon was downstairs, chilling on the couch. I didn't know exactly how to get to the training area, so I decided I'd ask him.

"Do you know where to get to the training area?"

"Yeah. Do you want me to show you?" he said, rising from the chair.

"Sure." I didn't want to sound too excited, or he might think I'm into him and he might not like that.

We walked for a while in the slight chill of the morning. At first, I was hoping that he was going to take me to the café instead, but that never happened. We arrived without any detours.

"Why are you here so early?" he wondered.

"Well, yesterday, after the parade, I did nothing but hang around the suite and watch TV. That was lame. So I decided I'd need a lot of practice for the games. It would be easier to make allies if I'm decent at something."

"I could teach you a few things. Here, this area teaches you how to make a battery. It only teaches you how to make a small battery. But, I know how to make a weapon out of these parts."

His hands moved liked lightning as he assembled...something.

"What is that?"

"A homemade taser." he said proudly.

"What does it do?" I must sound pretty dumb, but I had never seen one of these before.

"You push the trigger and it shoots these...probes...I guess you could call them...and they shock the target once they hit them. And this part is for close range. You can just press this against skin."

"That sounds painful."

"It doesn't kill the target, it just locks their muscles, causing them to fall. It may hurt, but you're still alive."

Then two tributes entered. Epsilon hid the taser. The tributes looked like they could be brother and sister. Heck, if they tried hard enough, they could be twins. I think they were the ones in the fish costumes which means they must be from District 4.

I walked up to them. I needed as many allies as I could get. "Hi, I'm Holly."

"I'm Fred, and this is Freida." the boy introduced.

"Are you guys twins?"

"Yeah. Where's the boy from your district?"

"Dakota? He's still at the-"

"Hey Holly!" Dakota called.

"Right there." I pointed.

Epsilon walked up. I didn't see the taser in his hands. "Are we going to start training or what?"

The twins just did what Dakota did. Epsilon and I did the stations together. Well, I mostly watched him. I sucked at just about everything.

"Where'd you put the taser?" I whispered.

"I disassembled it."

"That fast?"

"It wasn't too hard."

"Why are you so good with technology?"

"Because I'm from District 5."

"I thought you're from 1. You're almost always around Vivian."

"No, she's almost always around me. There's a difference."

In my head, I was doing the happy dance. It seems to me like he doesn't like Vivian at all...but does that mean he likes me? Probably.

We went through all the stations and decided we'd head back to the hotel. No other tributes wanted to practice today. I couldn't make any more allies yet.

We split apart at the elevator,Epsilon at 5 and the twins at 4. Dakota and I rode our way to the top.

"So do you think the twins are our allies?" I asked.

"No, they like to just be with each other. They asked me a lot of questions about all sorts of different things. I think they just want to know what the other tributes are like, but not be with other tributes."

"Are they good at anything?"

"From what they decided to do, they were decent at."

"I guess we'll learn more tributes tomorrow. Night, Dakota."

Logan was asleep on the couch, book in hand. I crashed on my bed, hungry but too lazy to find anything to eat.

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