Chapter 15: Interviews

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I met up with my stylists first thing in the morning. Gwen greeted me at the door. "Today, you're two minutes early. Can you ever be on time?"

We walked in and I immediately took a seat in a swivel chair. Calia clopped over in her high heels. "This is what you'll look like once we're done with you!" she said, pointing to her giant sketchpad. Everything was going to be purple: from my hair to the shoes.

First, they attacked my hair. Heath spun my hair into a bun. She left a bit of hair down on both sides so she could style them into two braids. Finally, Heath took some of my hair in the front and made it swing to both sides, making a U. Gwen put diamonds in the front to give it 'that sparkle'; then she dumped glitter over the rest of my hair. To finish it off, Heath used hairspray until I couldn't stop coughing.

Then, they  applied make-up. The pink-white foundation gave an unreal look. Heath then used faint lavender blush 'to bring color to my cheeks'. I had to suffer while and bold purple lipstick. She put on purple eyeliner and purple/blue eyeshadow.

It was finally Calia's turn to fix me up. She put me in a dress that squeezed me to death. It had a sorceress feel to it. The sleeves from my elbows to my hands widened out. There was a purple ribbon that was at my waist. And I wore purple mini high heels. 

Calia grinned, "Now all you need to do is keep your aura around you during the whole interview! Right this way, the first interview is about to begin."

I took a seat next to Dakota. He wore a simple tuxedo with a white trim. He looked a lot more alive than yesterday, I'm glad to say. 

Garin stood up and made his way onto the stage. Julius Flickerman was already onstage, describing District 1.

It seemed to go by so fast, only Dakota and I remained. All the other tributes were chattering about how well they did. Those full of themselves fools.

"Good luck," I told Dakota. Then he walked on.

I watched the monitor. Dakota did perfectly. He was a natural, and Flickerman brought out the best of everyone.

"Your turn." Calia prodded me.

The audience was overwhelming. And I couldn't forget everyone watching this back home. I stiffly took a seat in the chair provided.

I avoided looking into the audience, in fear of worsening my stage fright.

"Hello Holly. Are you enjoying the Capitol?"

I could only muster a small, "Yes."

He smiled, but his eyes showed he was annoyed with such a short answer. "And what do you like the most about it? The people? The views?"

I couldn't think straight, I was freaking out in front of everyone. "Yes."

Laughter filled the air. The makeup hid my embarrassment, I was blushing like crazy underneath it all.

"There she is folks, Holly Zerez, female tribute for District 14!"

I got up and quickly ran off stage.

Calia was the first one to me. "What the--hem--what was that? You didn't even do your aura! Unbelievable! Come on, we're getting you out of that dress, it makes you look better than you really are!"

Her words stung, but I held back my tears. I hastily followed Calia out and ignored the jeers the other tributes gave me. I did the worst, everyone knew. I was the fool, the failure.

Calia practically tore me out of the dress. "Gwen will meet with you tomorrow, before the games. I don't want to see you again. I hope you die." She grabbed her things and walked away.

Heath undid my hair and Gwen wiped off my makeup. Heath told me softly, "Calia doesn't mean what she said. She just wanted you to shine, she really does care about you. Calia just has trouble showing love."

They gave me a simple T-shirt and jeans. I swiftly put them on and walked back to the hotel in shame. No matter were I went, people pointed and laughed.

I ran into my room and hid under the bed covers all day. No begging could get me to move. I eventually fell asleep in a dreamless state.

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