Chapter 14: Scores

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Dakota said I fell asleep around 12:00PM and didn't get up until now (about 9:00AM). Logan gave me a donut before I could leave.

I hurried to the training center and took a seat. Dakota sat in front of me and District 12 was in front of us. I was late, the District 6 girl was already being scored.

I'd missed saying 'good luck' to Epsilon. It's not like I've gotten over what happened, a small voice said. I ignored it. Logan said Vivian lies. So then Vivian must've lied about what Epsilon did, right?

The District 6 girl cried as she ran out. Another girl went over and comforted her. The District 7 boy, Dakota told me he was Johnny Appleseed, got up and went into the room.

Time passed. Tributes entered and exited. Most of them left sadder then when they entered. It was down to Dakota and I. Robin (from District 12) was in the room.

Dakota looked at me. "So, how do you feel about yesterday? Are you ready to talk to Epsilon?"

"Were you listening?"

"All the tributes were. It looked exciting."

"What happened after I left?"

"Epsilon just walked off. The rest of the tributes just put bets on what would happen."

Then Robin burst through the doors. She looked furious. "The whole time, the judges were totally drunk!"

Dakota got up. He looked me dead in the eye. "I'll fix them for you. See you in a bit," he said cheerfully.

I looked around. I was alone. I still had no idea what I'd do to impress the judges. I could do something simple, like swing a sword. But then again, I had zero skill when I tried to at practice. The only thing I could do is light a fire, but that seems pretty lame.

Dakota walked out. He looked extremely worn out. Like he strained himself to the limit. I caught him just before he could fall on the floor and I eased him into a chair.

I hurried in and looked at the room. All the judges looked alert to me. One even looked familiar.

One judge asked, "Holly Zerez, what would you like to show us?"

I grabbed some firewood and tossed it into a pile. I rubbed two sticks together. No spark. I tried again. No spark. I blocked their view of the firewood. I tossed the two sticks into the pile. I put my hands on the wood. Then, I thought one thing: ignite.

Purple flames appeared on my hands and lit the wood. The wood's red fire blended with my purple aura, creating a blue tinge. I moved to the side. Only a couple of the judges clapped.

I sneezed. The fire shot up into the air. It was probably up to twenty feet high. Then it returned to normal.

The judge called out, "Holly, you may leave now. We'll decide on your score."

I rushed out and met Dakota. He was awake, but looked pale and weak.

"Food..." he groaned.

I helped Dakota onto his feet. He walked unsteadily and wobbled every so often. We were making such slow progress that I dragged Dakota back.

Logan looked up from his book. "Just set him on the couch. I'll take care of him. Go see what the scores are."

I turned on the TV. I hadn't missed a thing.

"Well Coff, I believe it's time to announce the scores. The judges have finished deciding."

"That's right Xaiver. In District 1, tribute Garin Duncan scored an 8! Nicely done! And Vivian Vela scored a 9! These tributes seem promising."

"Moving on, in District 2, the tributes both got 7s. Not bad." Xaiver noted.

"Nelson McGhee and Betty Gene both scored...1s? Wow. Obviously the judges didn't like what they saw."

"From District 4, the siblings both got 4s. Funny, District 4. 4 as their score!"

"I get it Xaiver. Anyway, Epsilon Alpha, from District 5  got a 2. And Fia Fiy got 4."

I was shocked that he could get something so low. He was great at everything at practice. I went to get something to eat. I didn't care about the next couple of tributes. 

Logan was mixing up a smoothie. "You want one?"

"I guess."

"Take this one to Dakota then. Help him drink it. And if he spills any, wipe it up." he said as he passed he the smoothie and a napkin.

Dakota moaned weakly. I lifted him into sitting position. I practically fed him the smoothie. He was too weak to even hold the drink up. 

"What happened? Why can you barely do anything?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He just shook his head before colapsing back on the couch.

I went back to the kitchen and traded the empty glass for a full one. I went back to the TV.

Coff just started talking. "District 14's Dakota Hyru scored 0. Is that even possible? And Holly Zerez got a 3. District 14 doesn't look like they can win. The odds are not in their favor, folks. Good night Panem! We'll be back tomorrow for the interviews!"

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