Chapter 6

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A few days passed and since I have NO life what so ever, I decided to go the Freddy's. When I got there, I saw 5 bored looking people sitting around the front. There was a blond girl on the left with a yellow shirt and an orange mini-skirt along wit orange and white converse. The one on the right was a guy with purple hair with a purple vest to match. He also had black skinny jeans. The one sitting in the middle had brown hair, a top hat, and one of those t-shirts with a tuxedo on it. There was 2 leaning on the wall behind the bench. With one being a guy and one being a girl. The guy had bright orange hair that fell to his shoulders. He had tan jeans on and a white, long sleeve shirt under his brown vest. And last, but not least, the girl. She had dark, navy blue hair that covered one eye. Leaving a crystal blue one exposed. She also had a black hoodie to go with her black skinny jeans along with the knee-high converse she had. I arched my eyebrow and got out of the car. These guys look ALOT like the animatronics. I started to walk towards the door until the girl with blonde hair called me "TYANNA HEY!" she yelled at my direction "Do I know you" I questioned with my eyebrows arched "ITS ME CHICA!" wait wait wait..... WHAT "CHICA?!?!?!?! B-BUT THE ANIMATRONICS. THE.... WHAT THE FUCK" I replied, still trying to figure out the brainfuck thats going on at the moment "Okay so if you're chica.." I pointed to Chica on the right "and Freddy..." I pointed to Freddy in the middle "Bonnie..." I pointed to Bonnie "Foxy?" Foxy nodded "And of course that leaves Sapphire....." she nodded. "WHAT....WHAT. W-WHAT B-BUT" Sapphire walked up to me "Calm thy tits Tyanna. Calm them." she said, making the guys laugh in the process. I huffed "But how.....?" I asked "I don't know, we just woke up like this." I guess this human Bonnie has a softer voice the the robot of course. Wait, does Foxy still have his accent? "Foxy, do you still have your regular voice?"  "Of course I do Tyanna! WHAT AHHHHHHH" he screamed. His accent was completely gone. Sapphire started to cackle while I just giggled. Freddy and Bonnie was on the floor laughing there butts off "SHUT IT YA LANDLUBBERS!" Foxy attempted the pirate accent but it never came. His voice just made him sound like a 17 year old doing a play. "Why are you guys out here anyways?" everyone went silent "It closed yesterday so I guess our souls were released from the state they were in..." Bonnie answered while twirling his fingers. I don't really feel like asking about the souls thing..."So where are you guys gonna go? apartments?" they all just glanced at eachother then back at me "We were hoping.... that we could stay with you" Sapphire asked with puppy eyes. I was going to tell them to find a new way but... THE EYES.. I CAN'T "Okay.  BUT you guys have to get jobs because we're gonna be in this together. Deal?" "AYE AYE CAPTIAN" Foxy said saluting, but then sighing because his old voice is gone. Sapphire snickered and I gestured for them to get in the car "SHOTGUN!" Sapphire yelled before hopping in the seat beside me. While Sapphire sat in the front with me, poor little Chica was bunched up between Freddy and Foxy. This will be an interesting household.

Please Don't Leave. (A FNAF Foxy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now