Chapter 13

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(The pic is an example if you don't know what the Festival of Lights is xD)

I woke up to a huge headache. "GAH" I grumbled as I sat up slowly. When we party, we party hard I guess. I looked down and saw I was still wearing my huge nurse shirt and my short-shorts. I tried to get up but something was caught on my shirt. Before I could get it off, it ripped down the back of my shirt, exposing my bra and getting stuck in my shorts. WHAT THE FUCK IS HOLDING ME DOWN!?! I turned my body to see a sleeping Foxy with his hook caught in my shorts. You have no idea how happy I was that he's asleep. I tried to get it off but it wouldn't budge. FUCK MY LIFE. I sighed and nudged Foxy. "What's wrong Tyann-" he looked up and saw me. His nose even started dripping blood. Well isn't this awkward. "*Ahem* a little help here...?" I sat down and gestured to the hook. "Oh! Ye-yeah s-sure." He stuttered and let go of the hook. He wiped the blood and laid with his back towards me. I stood up and walked up stairs (with the hook still attached cause it was stuck) to get more clothes. When I got to my room, I saw a poster of an event I haven't went to in years. "The Festival of Lights huh?" I questioned if we should go or not "Eh. Why not." I shrugged while I gathered clothes to take a shower. After my shower, I walked downstairs to see everyone standing line for the bathroom, all of them holding towels. "There is a bathroom upstairs by the way. Girls have the upstairs bathroom and guys have the downstairs one. K?" I gestured upstairs for Sapphire and Dixie. Chica soon came out of the bathroom and went upstairs for clothes (I bought clothes and shit on thanksgiving. ). After they all got dressed I called them to the living room. "WE ALL ARE GOING TO THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS" I stood on the couch with my hands on my hips. "What's the festiva-" Sapphire asked but was cut off by me saying "NOPE NAH NOPE. NO QUESTIONS. GET IN MAH CAR." I flailed my arms. They all carelessly walked out the door and into the car. I hopped of the couch to follow them. Once we drove to the Festival, I paid the fee. I then parked my car and we started to walk through. I almost cried by remembering my past with my parents. Mid-way through, a guy stopped us and started staring at Dixie. "I knew I would get bitches here, but this is just unbelievable." He sighed, stroking her tail as she shifted away awkwardly and growled. Oh shit. "Hey! Back off would ya?" she snatched her tail away. "You heard her buddy. Scram." Freddy snarled at the guy. "What are you going to do about it, tough guy?" he squeezed her butt hard, making her yelp. If looks could kill, this guy would be six feet under. Freddy's eyes glowed red as he slowly walked towards the guy. Before Freddy could lay a finger on him, Chica was already beating his ass to a pulp. As I watched, I felt arms snake around my waist. "Foxy? The fuck are you doing?" I asked while swaying lightly. "This ain't Foxy babe." whispered a raspy voice. I screamed, catching the groups attention, though Foxy was the one to help first. As he dashed towards me, one of his eyes were pitch black while the other was golden. Its like everything went in slow motion. Foxy jumped towards us. His hand was rapidly changing back and forth between a fist and a hook. "D-DONT TOUCH M-M-ME FIRST M-MATE UNLESS YE W-WANT ME FIST EXPLORIN' YE THROAT LAD!" He roared in his robotic, glitchy voice. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Foxy punched the guy and Bonnie whistled as he went flying into the pirate ship made of lights. "AND HES OUTTA HERE" Bonnie yelled in a spokesman voice. Foxy hugged me tightly "Sorry you had to see that." he sighed into my ear, back to his human voice. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? THAT SHIT WAS BADASS!" I fist pumped the air, cheering him up in the progress. "I think we should go home now..." Sapphire gesture to a police car. I chuckled and we all bolted to my car. Once we drove home, I went upstairs to use the bathroom as the rest all chatted amongst themselves. I was walking downstairs when I heard Chica reliving the incident. "I WAS LIKE POW POW AND FOXY WAS LIKE FALCOOOOOON PUNCH!" Chica explained excitedly. I saw her flailing her arms around. I chuckled and turned on the tv. I'm not complaining, but is it just me or does Adventure Time come on constantly? Chica shut up almost instantly and jumped on the couch to start watching. Everyone chuckled and walked towards the couch. While Foxy was walking past, he kissed my forehead. GREAT, NOW I LOOK LIKE A TOMATO. But, it's alright because for now on, I'll always know they will be here to protect me and I'll do the same for them. "You coming Tyanna?" Sapphire asked. "Yea" I smiled, laying on their laps. I will, AND ALWAYS WILL, love these guys.

Please Don't Leave. (A FNAF Foxy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now