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"WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS" I shot up to hearing the Christmas song blasting my ears. 'It's Christmas eve. ITS Christmas eve. ITS CHRISTMAS EVE?! SHIT'. I yelled at myself as I ran to my room, put on some clothes, and ran out the door. Leaving the group confused.

*Dixie POV*
I sat confused as I watched Tyanna dash out of the house. Welp. I shrugged and grabbed the box with the Christmas tree in it. Since it was fake, the weight didn't bother much. IT WAS THE GOD DAMN PIECES. "FREDDYYYYYY HALLLP." I whined as I tried to untangle from the Christmas lights. "Oh. My. God. What have you done to yourself?!" He chuckled as I glared at him. "Just help me, pooh bear." I stuck my tongue at Freddy and he did the same before grabbing the line of lights off of my tail. After 5 minutes, we finally got them all off. He then reached for my face. "You have one... more." He stroked a strand of hair away from my face and kissed my cheek. I smiled softly and blushed as we continued to put the tree together. After an hour of struggling to put up the tree, we put it beside the couch. Before Freddy could attempt to make me blush, we heard a knock at the door.

*Chica POV*
We all heard a knock at the door so I shot up to get it "Who is it?" I yelled as I stood, waiting for an answer. "My name is marionette. I was hoping that I could stay here..." I opened the door to see a guy with long dark hair that covered his eyes. He had black skinny jeans that had strings hanging from his pockets. His shirt had a voodoo doll that was being hung along with his all black converse. "Chica, IS THAT YOU?!" Holy mother of dicks. "MARIOOOO!" I yelled and jumped into his arms. Marionette was the one who made us animatronics. He is not a bad guy though. He did it so we could be together forever. Marionette put me down and the others waved at him. I then walked over to the Christmas decorations to grab a santa hat. I placed it on Mario and smiled, which was returned short after. "You two are adorable." Foxy chuckled while Mario blushed. "Oh, shut it." I playfully punched Foxy before dragging Mario to the decorations box. While I was putting the lights on the doorway, Mario tapped my shoulder "Ahem.". I turned around to see him holding a mistletoe above my nose. I giggled softly and kissed his nose before I got off the ladder. I heard a thud and snapped my head to the source. It was Mario. He passed out with his face looking like a tomato. I bent down and slide the Santa hat over his eyes. I grabbed the mistletoe and tossed it at Bonnie.

*Bonnie POV*
"Ow. What the hell?" Something hit my head and fell to the couch. I picked it up to examine it. Its was a....mistletoe? Chica must be up to something. I put it in my pocket, continuing to watch tv. After the show, I heard footsteps. I then saw Sapphire jump from the last stair and jog to the kitchen, so I followed her. I watched her as she reached for the cereal but fail. I snuck behind her. She yelped as I picked her up by her waist and lifted her up. She snatched the cereal "You can put me down now." she shrugged. I simply hugged her waist like she was a teddy bear. I find it cute when she struggles. Now that I say that out loud, it sounds wrong..I set her down. She looks at me with her face flushed with red, puffs, and continues making her cereal. I watched her eat. "What are you doing?" She asked me as I watched. "Oh! Sorry." I blushed and went back to watching tv. I want to kiss her but I don't have the strength to. But.... THE MISTLETOE. I reached for my pocket and grabbed it. Am I really going to do this? Yes. WHO IS THE BUNNY?! I AM. Enough pep talk. I walked towards her with the mistletoe behind my back. "What do you have?" She questioned as she put her bowl into the sink. As she was washing it, I held the mistletoe above my head and waiting for her to turn around. She gasped when she did. "Rules ARE rules." I winked. She shyly kissed my cheek and speed walked out of the kitchen. Eh. Good enough.

*Foxy POV*
I sighed and snatched the mistletoe from Bonnie "Idiot." I chuckled. "I heard that!" Bonnie glared "Of course you did, carrot for brains. You have the ears of a mutant rabbit." I scoffed and I put the mistletoe in my pocket. "You have the intelligence of a pirate's parrot" Bonnie stuck his tongue out. I shrugged before a knock on the door was heard throughout the house. Sighing, I sat up to answer it. I came to see Tyanna struggling to carry a lot of gifts. "Eh. A little help please. But NO peaking." She giggled as I grabbed some of the gifts. We placed them under the Christmas tree and sat exhausted. "Gather up everyone!" Chica stood on the couch, flailing her arms to get attention. "Ok. Who is THAT?" Tyanna pointed to Mario. "He's the puppet behind the strings." Chica giggled. "Welcome......?" Tyanna held out her hand, requesting a hand shake "You can call me Mario." they shook hands and Chica continued. "ITS TIME TO DECORATE THE CHRISTMAS TREE. SNATCH AN ORNAMENT AND PUT IT ON A BRANCH." Chica put her hands on her hips. After all of the ornaments were put up, Tyanna had to put the star on. I snuck up behind her and picked her up by the waist. "Wha?!" She gave up struggling and placed to star on top. "I have eggnog!" Dixie walked in, balancing a jug of eggnog on her head. Mid-way, it fell of but Freddy caught it.

*Tyanna POV*
Everyone started chugging down eggnog like there was no tomorrow. "This *hiccup* This is amazin! Wha- What did you put in it?" Freddy stumbled to the couch. "Ya know.. a little- *hiccup* that." she pointed to an empty bottle of beer. "You used *hiccup* the whole thing, didn't you Dixie" I put my hand on her shoulder and she nodded "Well shit." Sapphire slumped in the couch. All of a sudden, the world started spinning and fading "Hey.... Who turned of the lights Easter bunny?" Bonnie's face turned into bugs bunny "Wha-?" he lazily rotated to me.
"Captain! Gather up the carrots. WE ARE GOING TO NARNIAAAA" I pointed to the pirate fox. "Hallo mr puppet. Where are your strings?" The duck flopped onto the floor. I fell onto the captains lap "mission... abort." after I said that, everything blacked out.....

"OUCH" I shot up from hearing Chica whine about her headache. ITS CHRISTMAS. "WAKE UP LAZY FUCKERS. ITS TIME TO OPEN SHIT." I then clenched my teeth because of my headache. Everyone sat up, groaning. "Five more nights..." Sapphire whined. "Get uuuuup. I have plans for today. Get dressed." Everyone groaned. The girls slowly walked upstairs and the guys lined up to the bathroom. Knowing they would do as told, I went upstairs to shower too. After everyone was dressed I rushed them to the car. "I thought we were opening shit?" Foxy asked, rubbing his eyes. "Change of plans." I jumped in the front seat and drove to the ice palace skating ring. I paid for tickets and we walked in. The seats were empty and there was only a few skaters on the ice. It was perfect. We grabbed skates our sizes and stepped on the ice "Oh no no no no NO" Sapphire helped Bonnie gain his balance. Dixie tripped on her tail somehow but Freddy caught her. Mario and Chica was surprisingly nailing it. They did twirls and figure eights. Meanwhile, Foxy tripped and refused to skate so I was roaming in the ice. After an hour, we went home. I sent everyone to grab the present with their name on it. Chica got a phone (which she shared with Mario), Bonnie got a sweater, Sapphire got portal 2, Freddy got a top hat, Dixie got a cook book, and Foxy got a pirate hat. "I have one for you Tyanna." Foxy then slid a mistletoe out of his pocket, the group started to whistle. Foxy gently kissed my lips and my face was the color of an ornament. The group aww'd. Merry Christmas to all... and to all a good night.

Please Don't Leave. (A FNAF Foxy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now