2nd appt

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A/n u guys are cray xx love you all

Were skipping ahead to month 2

So today is my second appointment

Everyone flew to la like legit everyone cause they want to see the house were buying.

Michaels coming to the doctors though.

"Common lets go" i yell.

Kian and michael come from there rooms in the pent house (we go party in the pent house... you probs didnt get that)

Kian drove us and we arrived.

"Hi nicole" the nurse smiles while i sign in.

My bumb is deffintily starting to show.
People probably assume im fat.

"Nicole" the doctor smiles calling us in

"Hello this is my brother michael" i introduce them. we eneter the room and i sit on the bed.

She does the usuall gel on the stomach and looks at the screen. you could hear the heartbeat. i glance at mikey who was tearing.

"Mikey are you crying" i laugh

"Its cute" he mumbles.

"We can tell you the gender if you would like" the doctor looks at us.

I squeeze kians hand glancing at him.

"Yes please" i smile as kian smiles.

"You are having a girl and a boy"

Holy oh my im gonna have a little girl and boy

"Im gonna have a little princess and little mammas boy" i state tearing.

"Daddys princess and daddys little boy" kian crys

" A freaking niece and nephew" we did a group hug.

"Nicole your due date will be may 2nd" i nodd smiling.

7 months only 7 months. this can work.

We leave and head back to the pent house

"How was it?" Connor asks.

"Good we found the gender" i yell and everyone piles into the room

"A girl and a boy" kian tells them.

"Yes" were around the room.

"Ready to see the house" i ask we all get in vans.

Heading towards the house.

Its in a private community.

"Holy crap" luke drops his bannana

"Thats beautiful" sam admires it.

We all exited leading them inside

"Please tell me your buyin this" mikey asks

"Yup" we laugh

Know tht the next chapters well
Be after tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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