Flights to La

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Nicoles pov
Kian and i just flew out to la
This past week we've down a pretty good way if hiding my morning sickness.

Were heading to the doctors right now.
"Im excited" he says holding my hand.
I nodd. we pull in and enter the doctors.

I went up to the desk signing in.
We both sat in the waiting chairs.
"Mrs.lawley" my doctor called smiling. we both stand are lead to a room.
I layed on the bed.
"So why are you here" she asks looking at a clip board.
"Well i think im pregnant" i tell her smiling.
"Do you have any signs" she asks liftin my shirt.
"She has morning sickenss" kian tells her she nodds.
"Are you two recenty married" we both nodd.
"Your both 18 thats adorable" she gushed
"Okay so im gonna put this cold
Stuff on your stomach so we can see whats going on.

I nodd gripping kians hand smiling.
The doctor smiles looking at the screen

"You are pregant with ... triplets" she smiles

"Triblets!" We scream in usion

"Im kidding but your having twins congrats" she smiles. i look at kian who has tears filling his eyes.

"Would you like some pictures" we nodd taking them.

"Now on average when your pregnant with one baby it takes a while for your stomach to pop but with twins its already starting see" she points out. i nod smiling.

"I'll see you guys next month" we wave and leave.

"Kian are you still crying" i laugh tearing.

"Im so happy" he says laughing a him self in the mirror.

His phone rings and he wipes some tears.

"Hello?" He anserws you could hear it in his voice he has the happy tear voice.

"Im fine con" he laughs.

"Oh i wasnt crying" and hung up. i laughed.

"Were having twins" he laughs i nodd.

We both take a picture. i put mine in my wallet along with him.

"Lets go look at house" we smile.

We drove to the house. it was an open house.

I walked in and it was apsoutly beautiful.

It had 4 bedrooms. it was perfect.

"Kian i love it" i tell him. he smiles.

"Okay lets get it" i smile at him.

"Are you sure its the one" he asks lifting me.

"Its the one" i tell him he pecks my lips. we talk to our realiter.

Basically since were coming back next month we'll sign papers etc

Sophias pov

Kian and nicole left today. and we were all gatherd in a room.

"Is it just me or were they just overslly happy this weak" i ask everyone.

"I gotta say they were very i dunno like
On top of the world happy" camila says.

I cuddle into niall.

"Im gonna call kian" connor says putting his phone on speaker shushing us.

Niall kissed my forehead. we are perf right now.

"Hello" it sounded like he was crying.

And i heard nicole laugh alittle.

"Are you crying?" Connor asks him

He denied it.

And hung up.

"Strange" michael says.

"Well maybe they got the house" zayn suggests.

"Well you cant just get it in a day" louis tells him. we all shrugg.

"Hopefully we found out soon" harry states munching on some chips.

"Sometimes i find it wierd there married" i said.

"I know there so young but they are really in love you can tell" sam states hugging dinah. they recenty became a couple you could say.

" I mean i love sophia and all but whats wrong with dating for a bit" niall states.

I nodd pecking his cheak.

"Its just wierd"

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