t w e n t y - s i x

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chapter 26:▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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chapter 26:

jihyun woke up to the smell of breakfast being prepared. seonghwa must have woken up early today. she thought. whenever her brother had woken up early and is in a good mood, he'd always prepare breakfast for the two of them.

she got her phone from her bedside table to check for social media notifications and new texts.

two new messages from loml yeo ‼️❤️🥰

loml yeo ‼️❤️🥰
good morning baby 💗

loml yeo ‼️❤️🥰
did you sleep well?

she smiled to herself. it had been two weeks that they had been together. so far yeosang had been the best boyfriend she could ask for. he was respectful and very considerate. he took her out on dates frequently and he made her feel very loved.

she typed a quick response before picking out some fresh clothes from her closet and grabbed her towel. she walked out of her room and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

after she had finished showering, she quickly went in her room to dry her hair quickly so she could go down and have the breakfast her brother had made.

she opened her room door to go downstairs and she was met with her brother coming out of the bathroom with a small face towel hanging around his neck. she frowned in confusion. seonghwa saw her and he had the same confused look on his face.

"aren't you the one making breakfast?"
"i thought you're cooking downstairs?"
they both said at the same time.
they stared at each other, both looking as scared as ever. "let's go down and check."

jihyun nodded, clinging onto her brother's arm as they slowly and cautiously made their way down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible.

when they reached down to the main living area, they were met with a few luggages placed near the main entrance and their father sitting on the couch, legs crossed as he read the daily newspaper.

he felt the siblings' presence and immediately looked up, a bright smile plastered on his face as he got up to hug his children. "my kids! how i've missed you!" he gave them both a hug, the two only awkwardly returning the hug. the siblings had never really been close with their parents. they rarely even see them ever.

"is mother cooking?" as if on cue, a middle aged woman in formal wear with an apron over it, walked out of the kitchen with plates of food and placed them on the unnecessarily huge dining table. she looked over to see her children finally up and smiled. "my babies!"

she took off her apron and gave the two hugs, the two once again being awkward with returning it. they didn't get why their mother was being so friendly when she barely even care about them, only sending huge amounts of money every month without actually checking up on her own kids.

"come, come! i've made breakfast for us. let's eat!" she announced excitedly. the siblings complied, quietly making their way to the dining table with their parents.

they ate quietly, not knowing what to talk about with their parents since they weren't close.

"jihyun? seonghwa? how's school? everything okay? you two are keeping your grades up, right?" their mother questioned, emphasising on the the word 'are'.

they rolled their eyes internally. that's all they ever cared about. getting good grades so that they can be successful heirs of the company. they never thought about their happiness or interests.

"yes, we are maintaining our grades fine. what brings you two back?" jihyun gets straight to the point and throws the question to them with a boring look on her face.

"are we not allowed to come back to our own home?" their father replies, chuckling lightly and wiping his mouth. "home? can you even call it that if you're rarely here? i think even the maids are here more than you guys are, and they don't even live here if you guys aren't here." seonghwa rolls his eyes.

"seonghwa, don't be rude to your father." their mother warns in a stern tone. but seonghwa could care less. they were never there for the siblings and they never showered them with love like typical parents did. seonghwa barely even considers them as his parents anymore.

jihyun on the other hand, though she did spend more time with them, following them along to the states, she felt the same. she lived in the same house as they did but they never acknowledged her. it was as if the girl never even existed.

it was when she moved back to korea and lived with her brother that she finally felt some sort of family affection. that was why seonghwa and jihyun was so close, it was as if they were best friends rather than siblings.

"honey, it's fine. i get where he's coming from. i'm sorry, kids. i'm sorry that we are never home. we're working to provide the best for you two because we love you. we want you to be happy. we're doing this for you two." their father apologises, looking at the siblings.

"you're doing this for us? you're kidding, right? you pressure us into getting good grades because you want us to be ready to take over the company! and you say you want us to be happy?" seonghwa let out a sarcastic laugh before continuing. "remember when jihyun wanted to pursue music but you shut her down, saying that she couldn't get herself involved with interests that don't benefit you guys? what about the time i told you guys i wanted to be a dancer because it was my passion but you guys said no because i'm going to have to take over the company in the future? did you think of our happiness then?"

their parents looked at him in disbelief. "that's because it's true! how is being a singer going to benefit the business? and a dancer? that's the stupidest thing i've heard from you, seonghwa. you're going to take over the company in the future, whether you like it or not. i don't care if you want it or not but you're my son and you listen to whatever i say." their father stood up before walking away towards his room, not turning back at all.

"i'm sorry for the way he's acting. we just had a 13-hour flight and he must've been very tired. your father and i are staying for about a month or so. maybe longer if your father tells me his plans and why we are staying in south korea longer than we usually do. but for now, i suggest you two go out for the day. get your mind off of this matter for a while, hmm?" she says before making a call to a few housemaids to inform them of their return.

the siblings looked at each other and nodded, making their way up their rooms and changing so they could leave the house as soon as possible.

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