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A tall muscular man was impatiently standing in front of the locked cell door, separating him from his pretty flower boy. He wiped some dust from his expensive suit, smiling maliciously at the female guard who eyed him scared but also fascinated.

The woman should be used to the man's intimidating presence but she couldn't help but to stare at the powerful politician, the governor's son. Dark black hair fell over his sun kissed forehead, his body showing a life of no worries and the smirk held the confidence of a man who was used to get what he wanted.

"How my lovely flower today?", Lord Choi Minho asked with an intimidating smirk while the guard was fumbling with her keys, eager to unlock the door. Every wrong move in front of the governor's son could have her fired so of course she was cold sweating while trying her best not to glance at the tall man.

"H-he's d-doing just fine, t-took his medications, h-had h-hi-is ther-rapy a-and w-waits for you", she stuttered, finally unlocking the door before quickly walking ahead.

The man smirked, pleased to see her anxiety and followed her. Loud steps echoed through the dirty hall, pained screams were heard out of the cells but Minho didn't bother to look at them, he never did. All of these people, these creatures deserved to be here, deserved to be tortured until they would be forgotten and dead.

Well, everyone besides his little flower.

"Yo Kim! Your visit is here!", the buff woman called out for the little brunet in her usual harsh slang but immediately dug her head once Minho came closer. His elegant walking stick rested on his board shoulder, it was only a show off of his power, something only rich people could afford and showing off his wealth.

Minho's eyes fell on the tiny crouched brunet on the old chunky bed, locks falling into his face and a smirk adored Minho's features while he stared at his little flower he yearned so much for.

"Open the door, I wanna see him."

That was the deal with Choi Minho. Patients of the asylum couldn't get visitors but Taehyung was an exception.

Since he was basically not insane but in this prison like building because of the one and only Choi Minho. Being himself, Minho could do what he wanted. And he loved to visit Taehyung in the dawn, after the sun went down, coming to Taehyung with all the fears of the night, ready to attack the young fragile boy. Like a demon himself, ready to torture Taehyung.

The terrified woman quickly obeyed the man's command, unlocking the door and leaving almost the second Minho stepped inside, cold malicious eyes fixed on the petite brunet on the bed.

He has seen how Taehyung has shortly looked at him after he noticed him entering his cell but now, Taehyung was facing the dusty window again, soft delicate palm resting against the cold glass once again, eyes fixed on the forbidden outside.

"Hello, my little flower", Minho purred, walking closer to the little beauty who sat crouched on the bed, long thin legs pushed up to his chest, delicate chin resting on his knees. The beautiful male looked so soft, so fragile and delicate.

A breeze could blast him away, destroying his featherly bones until nothing but dust was left from this tiny angel. Taehyung wasn't always this thin, frailge and weak.

He was once a lively boy, with a strong healthy body, a passion for art and a wide beautiful smile. But this boy was long gone, leaving an empty shell, a phantom of the one he once was. Since he was forced into the asylum by Minho, he became incredibly thin, cheeks hollowed and soft body falling apart. Not that Minho minded, in his eyes, Taehyung would still be beautiful even if the boy was nothing more than skin and bones.

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