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A happy but crazy smile spread on Jeongguk's face while he was staring at the gorgeous creature so helplessly displaced in front of him, eyeing him with those huge brown orbs that drove him even more insane than he already was.

"My soulmate... finally", the demonic man breathed out happily, reaching out already for the tiny boy. But Taehyung crawled backwards, whimpering anxiously while staring at the man, his mind was too foggy for him to realize what the other was doing to him. It seemed like the stranger was going to hurt him, his poor tired mind couldn't progress the words directed to him.

So he could just assume that this man meant harm to him, believing this was just another game of Minho.

"N-no s-stop, p-please", he pleaded the raven breathlessly, sobbing dryly because he had no liquid left in his small weak body to produce tears, and it was even more painful to cry this way.

Jeongguk on the other side felt anger bubbling inside of him, how dare his soulmate to back away from him! But as soon as he saw the horror in the boy's soft brown eyes, he deeply exhaled, dropping his hands to the side.

"I won't hurt you, cute puppy", he grumbled, scanning the boy's frame. His soulmate was unhealthily thin, he was obviously getting starved, his way too big clothes saggy and more like lumps, feet dirty and dark from dirt, nails bitten, red lips swollen and abused, hair way too long, his locks hanging almost to the tip of his nose.

"Fuck, I will kill every single person in this asylum", Jeongguk promised in a dark growl, head snapping abruptly from side to side, like an owl while his sadistic mind spun, already wanting to punish everyone for hurting his pretty little angel.

"I'd love to kill them all for hurting you", he exclaimed, his dark pupils wide by the thought. A sweet tempting whimper brought his attention back to the little puppy in front of him who held his head protectively in between his hands.

"P-please, 'm so tired, j-just lemme sleep...", he whispered, eyes fluttering close but snapping open, too afraid of a punishment. Jeongguk tilted his head confused, staying on his knees in front of the pretty patient, observing every small movement of his body.

"Oh", he breathed out, reaching forward carefully since the small boy couldn't see him and he grabbed his bony shoulders.
"You can sleep, Darling... your soulmate is here to protect you", Jeongguk cooed, not wanting to let go of the boy's tiny body and held him tight.

The tired brunet found strange support in the man's arms, dropping into his hold. His eyes already fluttering close, long lashes creating dark shadows over his deep eye bags. He didn't know that he was holding his breath until he exhaled deeply, smiling relieved.
"Thank you...", he breathed out tiredly, sleep already rushing over him and he gladly accepted it.

Jeongguk stayed in his position for a few seconds, savoring the moment of finally having his soulmate in his arms. He needed to admit that he at first has wanted to use his soulmate for his own pleasure. And then drop him, because he didn't believe in that system.

At the same time Jeongguk wanted nothing but to break his own soulmate, finding pleasure in this thought. But now, having this cute little brunet sleeping on his lap, it made Jeongguk's mind twist into another direction. He wanted this beautiful creature just for himself.

Wanted to squish his cheeks until they turned red, crush him under his hands, breaking him apart only to fix him again. He wanted to have this little beauty wrapped around his fingers.

Such a cute little creature depending on him... what a pleasurable thought.

Jeongguk giggled, pressing a kiss onto the boy's forehead before easily lifting him up. "Welcome home, Soulmate", the insane prince of Korea said, he was pleased, so pleased to hold his Soulmate in his arms. He would've never expected his soulmate to be a boy but he wasn't complaining.

His demonic mind couldn't ignore the light weight of his Soulmate and the fact that he stayed in this asylum, alone in a cold room, without any comfort.

And the thought of his Soulmate in pain, not inflicted by himself, made Jeongguk furious.

Bright red lights flashed through his mind, he wanted to see blood, thirsting for it, craved to feel bones crush under his palms, bullets hitting flesh.

He wanted to ruin humans, wanted to take lives. For harming the only thing that now truly mattered to him. And that was the tiny sleeping boy in his arms.

Walking through the art he called the dead bodies laying in their own blood on the floor, he quickly caught sight of his brother, commanding a few of his minions who brought struggling patients into their truck.

Seokjin turned his head to see his brother, covered in red and black, walking towards him. His arms carrying the slim figure of a thin boy, waist almost as big as Jeongguk's bulky arm, long thin legs dangling in the air, head securely placed against Jeongguk's chest.

"Gguk, are you bringing me another one?", he asked with a small frown, not knowing for what other purpose Jeongguk would bring a patient towards him. But yet, the way how his insane brother held the boy was odd, Jeongguk wasn't the gentle kind, he would drag this boy by his feet after him. Definitely not carrying him.

"No no no, my dear brother", Jeongguk said, an evil glint in his eyes before he looked down at the sleeping boy. One fist of the gorgeous brunet was holding his suit in his embrace, clutching cutely onto it. Jeongguk usually was annoyed by human contact but he couldn't help but to find this adorable, he wanted, needed this sweet creature in his life.

"This is my beautiful little soulmate", Jeongguk sing songed, standing tall and proudly in front of Seokjin. "Look at him, Seokjinnie! Isn't he cute? Such an adorable thing... hah I can't wait to have him locked away from everything bad", the raven sighed dreamingly at the end, staring at the sleeping puppy with a smile.

Seokjin's jaw dropped by this, he never believed his brother, the demon, the Clown prince of Korea would find his Soulmate. And especially not such a boy, an asylum's patient, a tiny, helpless boy who looked so beautiful yet so fragile.

"Buuuut, I need youuu to carry him for me, Hyungie! I have lives to take", Jeongguk said and almost carelessly dropped his Soulmate into Seokjin's arms who quickly caught the tiny brunet.

"Keep him safe, Seokjinnie, I want him back unharmed", Jeongguk chirped before he turned away already, taking out his gun and laughing manically.

His brother was already used to his bipolar behavior and wiped some locks out of the boy's pretty face. "I pity you, little one... Jeongguk's gonna break you in half. Poor thing...", Seokjin said pitiful, but he knew he couldn't go against Jeongguk. He was his brother and too insane to handle.

"Maybe you'll get him back on the right path", Seokjin mumbled, heading back to their cars to wait for Jeongguk and to get his little Soulmate into the safety of a truck.


Trying to update everything to get back to the almost 300K reads on this book:) y'all gonna help me, pretty please?


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