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"Shush shush shush, Babydoll, just a few seconds and you can sleep, okay?", Jeongguk cooed sweetly at the tired boy hanging in his arms whose eyes closed and opened at a rapid, very unhealthy pace.

The dark haired man has brought his pretty soulmate into the inside of his mansion after making sure that his hide out was perfectly secure and no one followed them. Jeongguk didn't want anyone trying to take this cute male away from him.

Twisted, evil thoughts corrupted his mind when he stared down at the doll like, weak boy in his arms, something inside of him told him to hurt this pretty creature.

The devil inside of his mind loved torturing innocent and helpless creatures. Dark mind was spinning with the wish to hurt Taehyung but as soon as the boy laid his beautiful, beautiful brown watery eyes on him, every evil thought inside of him just stopped.

No. No no no, not this little Baby... hurt everyone else but not him, Jeongguk thought to himself, thin pink lips slowly stretching into a somehow sweet smile, cooing quietly at Taehyung.

"I'm so tired... p-please", Taehyung whispered weakly, head tiredly falling against Jeongguk's shoulder, his little weak body shuddering from the cold which resulted into Jeongguk furrowing his thick black eyebrows about cold menacing eyes.

"Cold? Oh no no, that's not good, lil angel... I'll heat up the entire house so you can be warm", Jeongguk promised.

"Maybe burning some maids for more burn material", the raven continued with an insane giggle, fixing Taehyung's position in his arms. Some black dots danced in front of Taehyung's eyes, he felt disorientated, weak.

To a point where he thought he was breaking.

Taehyung's stomach was burning in hunger, he felt hot and cold at the same time, pained from so many hours, days, weeks, months without a proper meal... and Taehyung was tired of it. If he had some energy left in his drained body, he would've hurt Minho just like he has hurt him...

"D-don't say this... it's b-bad", Taehyung wasn't used to speak so much, it surprised him that after all this screaming, the begging to be released, to stop this torture he was put through every day... but no one was hearing the little male's painful screaming and if they did, no one would be bothering to help his pained soul...

"And who are you to command me? Hmm? Well it doesn't matter anyways", Jeongguk said roughly, not bothering to acknowledge the pain in his heart and crashing the door open, leading to his personal rooms.

He exhaled, massive arm muscles flexing under Taehyung's tiny frame and the boy squealed silently. It felt good to be carried... especially by his soulmate.

"You like this? Damn Sweetheart, I didn't even start to devour you", the dark haired man rasped out in a low husky voice before stalking towards his large black king size bed, consisting of black painted hard wood and silky black satin bed sheets.

A surprised gasp left Taehyung's raspy abused throat when he was thrown onto the large bed and a yelped moan escaped his chapped lips when he felt the comfy softness under him. He couldn't remember when he laid the last time on something this soft and comfortable.

Jeongguk used Taehyung's surprise to hover over the unprepared boy, large bulky body caging the thin little male. The brunet's thin wrists were grabbed and pinned right above his head.

Large fearful eyes stared up to Jeongguk and the dominant man nearly moaned from the precious whimpers and tired pants leaving Taehyung's red dry lips.

His eyes of course were fixed immediately on Taehyung's lips. What a sight for sore eyes.

Jeongguk never was fond of skinship in any way, no he hated it, couldn't stand it since the disgusting friends of his father touched him in way too inappropriate ways-

But this little beauty under him...

This little beauty made him want to feel the touch of a human again. And he especially wanted to taste those seductive lips, claim his soulmate like it was his right to do so, he wanted, no he needed to have him.

"Hmmm, what would I give to get a taste of those heavenly lips of yours", Jeongguk growled out huskily, thumb swiping over Taehyung's plump red bottom lip, playing with it teasingly while his other hand held Taehyung's wrists above his head.

"But you're possibly too weak for protesting and where's the fun in that", the strong mafia prince grumbled, pulling on Taehyung's lip before releasing it and Taehyung answered with a fragile gasp, staring wide eyed at the tall raven.

"You should sleep, Beautiful, feel free to explore the room, make yourself comfortable... oh! And no wandering off. Can't have anyone see what is mine, no?", with that, Jeongguk got up, leaving a deep flushed Taehyung on the bed, trying to catch his breath.

His eyes followed the raven, soft fingertips now pressed against his tattoo. Where the bold black letters 'JJK' marked him as Jeon Jeongguk's soulmate.

"Thank you... for saving me from hell", Taehyung whispered but Jeongguk surprisingly heard him. He shortly turned his head to look at the heavenly little creature on his bed, displaced for him and luring him into doing bad bad things to this cute adorable beauty.

Mocking him with his innocent eyes but seducing him with every movement of his sinful little body.

"Don't thank me too soon, Beautiful. I can be your worst nightmare", Jeongguk announced darkly but he didn't mean these words, just a warning for the doe eyed brunet. Jeongguk was just afraid of being loved again... having a weakness would only worsen his insanity.

Taehyung on the other side knew that this threat wasn't serious so he weakly lifted one corner of his lips.

"I don't think so", he breathed out in a weak beautiful whisper. Jeongguk chuckled dryly, shooting his beautiful soulmate a wide smile.

A surprisingly real one.

"We'll see, Angel", he mumbled, closing the door behind him. Taehyung has already drifted to sleep before he could hear the pained scream coming from Jeongguk outside the door.



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