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A widely grinning Jeongguk was skipping back to the trucks, hands dripping in blood, droplets running down his fingertips until they ended on the cold ground. Leaving a trace of death behind the maniac when he walked back to his men, an insane smirk adoring his face.

"Everyone was being so niiiiice! Too bad they aren't crying and screaming for help anymore. They're the prettiest when they cry for help", Jeongguk exclaimed with a mean chuckle, sparing his terrified men no glance who all wore masks, staring intimidated at their insane boss who just killed an entire asylum.

Just for fun.

No. Not just for fun but for a petite young boy who happened to have Jeongguk's initials graved into his soft silky skin.

Once soulmates found each other, they got their initials of each other engraved on the soft spot where neck and shoulder met.

"Jiiiin! My dear dear brother! Did you take care of my precious love?", Jeongguk sing songed when he roughly opened the back door of the trunk, exposing the tall figure of his brother and the small, petite form of his soulmate on Jins lap.

A large grin spread on his face when he saw his little Baby beautifully curled up in Jin's lap. Just then, Jeongguk realized that he didn't even know his soulmate's name, only his initials and that was something that bothered him.

KTH was the only possible name he had for this angel and he didn't like that at all. He wanted to know the brunet's name.

"Jinnie, did you find out how my precious is called?", Jeongguk asked, sitting down next to Jin. His feet dangling out of the car from one side and he leaned forward to playfully ruffle the brunet's soft long locks.

"Jin? It's rude to not answer someone's questions", Jeongguk breathed out, his patience already fading because his insane mind was swirling, moving all the time, wanting to do something, destroy something.

Preferably the person right next to him.

But his dark mind immediately stopped when Jin looked up with teary eyes.

"Oh no", Jeongguk exclaimed, taking Jin's face into his large hands. "Who hurt my brother?", Jeongguk growled, already spinning plans to hurt the person who made his brother cry.

Jeon Jeongguk might be a maniac but he was still able to feel love, for his family, his two brothers, the only ones who were there for him when his insanity ate him alive and the voices in his head made him do things he thought he'll never do.

His brother shook his head in return, looking down at the sleeping brunet in his arms.

"His name is Taehyung... and he went through hell", Jin whispered sadly, remembering the words that Taehyung has whispered with a strange voice, not fully sounding like himself, more like mirrored.

"I-I... do you know Choi Minho?", Jin asked carefully, looking down at the petite beauty curled up on his lap, locks brushing over Jin's thighs while one of the boy's thin hands clutched onto Jin's coat in an absolutely adorable way.

"Of course I do... bad bad man", Jeongguk giggled. "Jeongguk, this is serious. Stop being a clown for a second", Jin said sternly, making Jeongguk sigh loudly.
"Fineee, Hyung, everything for ya", Jeongguk said and imitated the locking of a door in front of his mouth, throwing the imitated key away with a smirk.

"Your soulmate... Taehyung was in that asylum because of Choi Minho", Jeongguk gasped by this, clapping his hands but stopped by a glare of his elder brother before looking back to his sleeping soulmate.

"He was his prisoner... I don't know everything but Taehyung was having a nightmare. And... he talked... in his sleep. Minho seems to have killed his parents", Jin informed Jeongguk, pressing Taehyung against his chest like a little Baby.

The thin brunet felt so light and fragile, Jin just wanted to put Taehyung in his pocket and hide him from anything bad in the world. The boy seemed to be in so much pain, caused by Choi Minho just because... well what was the reason? Jin didn't know but he was eager to help this boy and see him happy.

He wanted to give Taehyung some happiness since the boy doesn't seem to be enjoying much. And maybe, just maybe, Jeongguk could help him reaching this goal as well.

"Choi killed his parents?", Jeongguk asked, forgetting that he wanted to be silent, anger bubbling deep inside of him when he possessively stared at his little soulmate.

This was his soulmate and therefore, Taehyung belonged to him, meaning that he'll fucking kill Choi Minho for hurting this beautiful little boy. Jeongguk carefully grabbed the thin boy, looking at Jin for permission before bringing Taehyung on his own lap.

Actually cooing at the petite brunet and making little luring sounds before wiping some hair out of the boy's cold pale forehead.

"Then we are no different, Taehyungie... we'll let him burn in hell for what he did, yeah?", Jeongguk grumbled, staring mesmerized at his adorable soulmate.

"Damn, you really are a cute one, aren't you? So so fluffy and cute", Jeongguk cooed. "I'll revenge you, Darling. You're mine now, meaning only I can play with you. No bad bad Choi Minho can do that", the insane raven giggled.

"Jeongguk, police is coming", one of his men, a male called Lucas, suddenly informed them with wide eyes and Jeongguk clicked his tongue, irritated about the interruption.

"Can't you see I'm having a moment right now?!", he screamed, dropping Taehyung carelessly back into Jin's lap who glared at his insane brother, gently picking Taehyung up to hug him closer to his body.

"I really really wanna kill you for interrupting my moment with my sweet Taehyungie, but guess that'll wait", Jeongguk growled, noticing the police cars coming closer. "Let's go", the demon prince of Korea commanded loudly before throwing a last glance towards Jin and the little sleeping beauty on his lap.

"I don't wanna play catch me if you can today, we're having important freight today!", Jeongguk announced cheerfully, hoping on the back of a trunk whose roof was open.

"Everyone protect this car", Jeongguk said and pointed towards the car where Jin and Taehyung were in, one of his men taking the driver's seat already while Jin stayed in the back with Taehyung.

"My soulmate's in there", Jeongguk breathed out darkly, giving the signal for his men to finally get away from the now burning asylum.


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