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Jeongguk was staring mesmerized down to the sleeping boy in his arms, holding the boy close to his chest, Taehyung's little head laying on his chest, hands curled near his head. The black haired man was smiling softly, not believing the love suddenly rushing through his veins, warming his heart.

"Do you know why I'm calling you angel? Because you're my personal angel. Maybe sent out of heaven to torture such a fucked up demon like me for wanting something to pure... or maybe to show me that the world isn't as evil as I assumed it was...", Jeongguk mumbled and looked down to the boy curled up by his side.

He needed to voice out these thoughts since they have been bothering him since the first time he laid his eyes on the petite beauty. When Taehyung moved in his sleep, he pressed his head closer to Jeongguk's, nose cutely touching the soft skin of Jeongguk's bottom lip.

And the man then realized that their moles, the one under his bottom lip and the cute one on Taehyung's nose, were now touching, laying above each other and perfectly fitting together. Jeongguk melted by the thought, truly melted, because it just showed him how much they were meant for each other.

And he promised himself to protect Taehyung with all he got.


Two weeks from now on have passed and Jeongguk grew incredibly attached to Taehyung. While the little brunet has been totally fond and whipped for the black haired maniac, giggling like a madly in love girl over her crush, whenever coming across Jeongguk.

And Jeongguk always responded with a loving smile to this.

Two weeks have passed and Taehyung finally but slowly grew stronger, his health getting better and it relieved Seokjin so much, the doctor being worried all the time for the fragile boy, fattening him up and helping him all he could.

Taehyung sometimes got suspicious from all the love he received, his trauma still holding him deep in his claws, the boy sometimes flinching away from touches. Seokjin didn't show his pity anymore, but rather continued to baby Taehyung, cooing at him and praising him whenever he was able to finish a meal or walk down the stairs himself.

It were only tiny steps but Taehyung was getting better and better, relieving Jeongguk, Seokjin and Jimin who has also grown fond of the little boy. Taehyung all in all was very much liked by the entire household, even Yoongi gave him a soft smile from time to time.

That was until the day, Taehyung finally was able to hold himself up while eating his rice.

Ending in a whole fit of praises aimed at Taehyung, being engulfed in a hug by Seokjin and receiving the most softest kiss on his hair by no other than his usually so reserved soulmate.

Jeongguk was now not saving physical affection, small touches, on his waist, his hands, his hair, Jeongguk couldn't seem to stop touching Taehyung and the brunet loved the affection he got from all of them, secretly considering them as his family.

"TaeTae!", Jimin called out for Taehyung who smiled widely, Seulgi by his side who was helping him walk, only holding his elbow in a soft grip, since Taehyung has once wanted to walk alone but fell, Jeongguk witnessing the scene and screaming for the maids to take care of his precious angel or else they would lose their jobs and their heads.

"Jiminie...! I walked the stairs all by myself! And a part of the floor", Taehyung happily announced, voice much more stronger, healthy glow lighting up his face, pink dusting on his cheeks.

"That's amazing TaeTae, just wait until Jeongguk hears this", Jimin smiled, patting the seat next to him and Seulgi accompanied him to the table Jimin was sitting on. "How's Joonie Hyung doing?", Taehyung kindly asked, Jimin smiling proudly from how lively and strong Taehyung's voice sounded, his throat not aching so bad anymore, finally healing after these years of torture and screaming his vocal cords out.

"Joonie's doing amazing. He's actually helping Jeonggukie on a job today", Jimin said, helping Taehyung onto the chair and pulling the delicate boy close, Taehyung responding with a pretty cute little smile.

But his smile then faded, worry lacing over his pretty features. "I-is... are they going to be alright?", he hesitantly asked, making Jimin coo. "I'm sure they are gonna be alright. Or else I wouldn't be so calm", Jimin smiled, making Taehyung giggle.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Before Jeongguk left, he told me to show you something."

Jeongguk didn't want to tell Taehyung where he was going, not wanting to scare his precious soulmate away. He was crazy, yes, that was a fact, the crazy prince of Korea, the King even. But he actually didn't want Taehyung to know that he was searching for the one who hurt him.

Choi Minho.

Since Jeongguk knew who has been torturing his angel, he was furious, wanting to rip the male apart for ever laying his fingers on Taehyung, especially after what Taehyung has told him.

The only thing replaying over and over in his head were the huge teary eyes of his soulmate, whimpering and sobbing quietly while explaining what Minho did to him. The maniac still didn't know everything about what happened but he didn't need to.

The horror in Taehyung's eyes has been enough for him. The damage on Taehyung's body enough to rip Minho's heart out, not to care about his inner damage. Everything Minho did to Taehyung, Jeongguk was going to give him back.

Every pain Taehyung was forced to experience, his beautiful, gorgeous little Taehyung who was nothing but sweet and pure... Jeongguk would bring hell upon Minho for ever harming his precious little soulmate.

What was exactly he would do now.

Making Minho pay for ever daring to hurt Taehyung.



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