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Taehyung has gotten strong.

So much stronger now and everyone was proud of the process he was making, especially one particular ink haired man constantly praising him for being such a good boy and another particular doctor always smiling fondly at the little brunet, proud eyes scanning Taehyung's much healthier frame with a parental glint in his eyes.

The inhabitants of the mansion soon enough came to the realization that once Taehyung has slowly gotten his strength back, he became cute. And daring.

Absolutely teeth hurting adorable, always squealing in delight whenever he achieved something, even walking down the stairs by himself was such a success for the former asylum patient since his weak, wobbly legs weren't able to support his own weight, always needing help from others.

Now, the gorgeous brunet was able to walk himself, wearing the happiest smile on his face, cheeks starting to become round and full, always glowing in a peachy color and it was hard, impossible to resist his cuteness, everyone adoring the male.

A deep friendship was blossoming in between him, Namjoon and Jimin, he even managed to tickle a smile out of the usual cold looking Yoongi who sometimes ruffled his hair fondly before going back to being grumpy and unreachable.

But there was one person who couldn't be defeated in being the most whipped person for lovely little Taehyung. And that was Jeon Jeongguk, his soulmate was now completely under Taehyung's spell, looking like a love strucked puppy and even growling at some people who dared to come closer to his beloved, holding him away possessively.

The man grew especially pouty when he realized how good Taehyung was in meeting other people and befriend them, just a giggle, a smile or a look out of huge beautiful puppy eyes was enough for men, women, children, animals to fall for this adorable human being who portrayed nothing but sweetness and happiness. Bouncing in his steps, apologizing to plants, giggling cutely when he tripped over his own feet and having the adorable characteristic to wear Jeongguk's for him way too large sweaters.

Needless to say, he gave the inhabitants lots of heart attacks because of his cuteness.

And Jeongguk one day caught himself understanding the reason why Choi Minho was so incredibly obsessed with the boy, not wanting to let him go.

Taehyung's sweetness and natural beauty was attractively prepossessing. Hell, he always wanted to kill the ones staring at Taehyung for more than three seconds. But he has proven himself to be different to Minho, protecting Taehyung with everything he got and always babying his little soulmate.

Taehyung was so used to it that he was not even backing away when Jeongguk had an 'attack', running away from Taehyung to not hurt him or clenching his fists around Taehyung's waist or neck. The last thing Jeongguk wanted was his soulmate getting hurt because of him.

The man disappeared from time to time and came back with bruises and blood splattered over his body and once he got home, his soulmate always managed to find him, no matter where he tried to hide.

Taehyung didn't want to be separated from Jeongguk and it seemed like he couldn't even, always finding Jeongguk.

Silently walking up to his bruised soulmate and softly grabbing his hand before going to treat his wounds with Jeongguk touching his body in any way.

He was seeking comfort from the pretty brunet and staring at the gorgeous creature, not believing Taehyung belonged to him. Soft fond kisses exchanged in between them, Jeongguk pressing kisses all over the boy's face.

They never spoke of love but it was clear that these two soulmates not only were fond of each other, tied together by not only their bond but also by their affection of each other. Love. A word these two broken souls would have never thought to achieve.


When Taehyung woke up, entangled in warm black bed sheets, his finger tips brushed over heated, naked skin. He smiled sleepily, heaving his light weight up in order to plop down onto Jeongguk's chest, wrapping his arms almost possessively around Jeongguk's waist.

Taehyung himself has indeed grown protective of Jeongguk, knowing when Jeongguk was flinching away from human contact, trying to shut even his soulmate out. These were the moments Jeongguk needed Taehyung the most and the brunet was always there for the other, walking over to fondly take a hold on his face.

Leaving a loving kiss on his rosy lips before burying himself into the strong but shaky embrace of the crazed raven who immediately seemed to calm down by the mere touch of Taehyung.

Nobody dared to say it out loud but Taehyung seemed to be the only one to be able to calm Jeongguk down. They all knew the man would go berserk again and try to push Taehyung away. Because secretly, everyone was hoping for Taehyung to change Jeongguk for the better, heal his crazy mind.

While Taehyung had no intentions to do so, he knew the reason behind Jeongguk's madness, the protective swirls of a child's mind getting hurt way too early. His own brain was functioning the same way and he didn't even dare to rip this act of protectiveness away from his soulmate who was so strong, so powerful yet so scared of being loved and loving.

"Good morning, my lovely angel", the dark husky morning voice of Jeongguk greeted Taehyung who smiled up to his soulmate, pressing a short kiss to Jeongguk's heart.

"Good morning Ggukie", the brunet whispered back, leaning his head against Jeongguk's chest, allowing his soulmate to claim the dip in between his ass and waist, hands never lowering since Jeongguk respected Taehyung and his privacy. The two became used to kissing each other and fond touches filled with their unspoken love but they never went further.

It wasn't fear but the unspoken presence of Minho in between them, Jeongguk never daring to speak up, not wanting to push Taehyung and making him accidentally believe he just wanted to have sex with him because oh god, that wasn't the case.

Jeongguk just respectfully waited until Taehyung would be ready to take the first step.

"I'm hungry", Taehyung suddenly pouted. Jeongguk laughed while Taehyung was mindlessly playing with his hair, stroking the long strands of hair. "Then we should fill your pretty tummy, hm?", Jeongguk grumbled against Taehyung's hair, hating the thought of his gorgeous angel being hungry.

He never wanted his angel to feel this feeling ever again.

Jeongguk pulled the now whining puppy up and Taehyung clung onto Jeongguk's frame, allowing Jeongguk to carry him into the bathroom, smiling into the crook of his neck. "But first, we gotta clean you up", Jeongguk mumbled and wanted to leave, when a hand prevented him from doing so.

"C-can you... uh... d-do you want t-to shower with m-me?"

And Jeongguk felt like he was exploding with heat.



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