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Seokjin of course ran after his brother once he has made sure that Taehyung was alright, watching him leave along with Yoongi, Seulgi already being gone. The doctor still had the high urge to protect Taehyung, he reminded him too much of him...

He couldn't ignore the fatherly vibes he had towards this cute but vulnerable brunet who went through so much, got abused for three years and had such a rough and tough start in his life.

Seokjin finally found Jeongguk out on the rooftop of the mansion, his usual hiding spot whenever his mind felt like exploding and the desire to hurt, destroy, punish became too strong. Two strangled men laid by his feet, gun in his hand which he was mindlessly playing with, dark ebony hair hanging into his charcoal eyes.

"I knew you would be up here... you always end up killing someone and come here whenever something doesn't go your way or you're afraid", Jin sighed before slumping down next to his brother who huffed.

"I am not afraid", Jeongguk grumbled, playing with his gun, dark thoughts swirling more in his mind than before. "No one can tame me. Not even a stupid soulmate", he growled out, eyes dark and insanity glowing inside of them. Jin exhaled softly, facing the now dark night sky.

"No one is trying to tame you, Ggu. Taehyung just wants you, as a person. He simply wants to love you, hold you, be with you... is that so hard to accept?", Jin asked his younger brother whose shoulders were slumped out of the sudden, Jin's voice soft and gentle.

There were some moments of silence before Jeongguk answered, exhaling, pressed air escaping his lungs.

"Yes", Jeongguk whispered, voice sounding utterly delicate and broken, unlike the usually so strong maniac, the clown prince of Korea and actually reminding of the innocent, hurt child he has once been. He sighed, turning his head up to face the cold glowing, far away stars.

"I can't give him the safety he needs. I can't provide him the life he deserves. Not after what he's all been through, he shouldn't end up with me."

"Taehyung doesn't want it, Jeongguk. He just wants you", Jin said softly, Jeongguk taking a shaky inhale of oxygen.

"I'm not afraid, Hyung... I'm terrified", he suddenly admitted, laughing while staring at his gun with which he has taken so many lives already. He didn't want to be responsible for Taehyung's death...

"Terrified he won't want me anymore when he sees how fucked up I really am", Jeongguk continued, fear of being rejected by the one he might be able to love. "I want to kill. Every single demon in this world."

"I understand why you feel this way, I really do. Out of everyone I understand the fear of losing your soulmate the most", Jin said, tears preventing him from talking further, choking on the stored up emotions bottled up in his chest. Jeongguk grabbed his hand and even offered him a small smile.

"But if I know one thing, you should use this chance. Let him in, Ggu. I'm not telling you this as your doctor but as your brother and friend. Don't push him away. I know you're in pain right now and feel conflicted but I don't wish you the pain of losing your soulmate", Jin choked out, quickly wiping his eyes.

"Go apologize. Make up. Taehyung went through a lot, just as you... he feels the same fear and if you don't want to do it for him, do it for me. Don't allow him to... feel the same pain I am feeling", Jin whispered, smiling at his younger brother who he loved so much. Who went through so many stupid things but still managed to stand up and fight.

"Hyung...", Jeongguk whispered, cupping Jin's cheeks softly with his inked hands, biting his lip when he saw the unbearable pain visible in Jin's face.

"I'll do it for you and for him. And a little bit for myself too... even if I'm afraid that I'll hurt him because I am what I am, fate gave him to me... and no matter what, I can't lose another person I love."

Jin smiled, patting Jeongguk's shoulder. "I'm proud of you, little brother. Now go to your soulmate. I'm sure Yoongi took good care of him", he said softly, assuring Jeongguk to go. "I'll be fine, Ggu... just give me a second."

Jin has always thought that he lost his brother to the darkness consuming him from inside out. It would be a hard fight, not only for Jeonggu, also for Taehyung.

But Jin was positive that the two would make a great pair once they were healed. Maybe they were able to heal each other. Maybe Jeongguk would drag Taehyung into his own darkness.

Only the time could tell.

"Ken, wherever you are... I hope you know that I'm still thinking about you and try to be the best brother to Jeongguk and Jimin... it's not easy for me. I miss you, you old chunky idiot. I miss holding you and I miss Jaehyun... I hope you're taking good care of our Baby wherever you are", Jin smiled up to the sky, tears escaping his eyes while pain shot through his chest, making it as heavy as a falling stone rolling down a cliff.

"Take care of our son in heaven, beautiful soulmate", Jin sobbed, pressing two fingers onto his lips in a greeting of a silent kiss before lifting his fingers to the cold black sky, sparkling with stars he could never reach but wished that two of them were the ones he lost.



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