11. Eeyore vibes

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Third person's P.O.V

Two weeks , Marie had been away from her children for  336 hours, you'd think a 26 year old with the world ahead of her would find joy in being away from tantrum throwing,moody and mildly sarcastic children, but no Marie missed everything from the  smell of sweat and deodorant that would mix once the boys came back from soccer to the sweet aroma of food when they sat down together at the dinner table.

The moment Marie walked out the door her  mind was screaming at her to return to  them and now that emotion had doubled in size as she sat at the lunch table of her work place ,her hand resting around the only thing capable of calming her nerves. She lightly sipped her coffee hoping the sound would be enough to drown out her annoying supervisor who stood a few feet away rumbling on about how she deserved to be C.E.O assistant and not her.
It only being thirty minutes past 2pm Edith had already found ways of making Marie's life at work a little hellish.

After spending close to 9 hours in a place she hated but had to be in Marie was beyond ready to leave once her clock out time arrived . Dashing out the revolving doors or the company she waved hastly to the man who'd brought her car around and jumped inside and driven off before Edith would follow her with last minute duties.

Marie  found herself wanting to escape the four walls of the home she was so eager to get to and right back into the chaotic joy her children brought ,the array of vibrant colors that  they freely paint  in her heart had her itching to  go back to and finish the life mural they'd been painting in my life , but she fought against the feeling knowing they where in safe hands.

The normal routine of bathing ,warming some take out and binge watching a series called "Legacies"  was just about finished when Marie heard a knock at her door.
Wondering who'd be here at 10pm she paused her series not wanting to miss anymore than she already had and dragged her tired body to the door.

"Iris you better not be here because..."
The statement got drown by slight shock once she opened the door,she was   expecting a drunk and roughed up Iris but to her surprise it was Nate.

Marie was about to give right into the teasing conversations they usually had but she thought it unwise once his blue blood shot eyes meet hers.

"Nate are you okay?" The question seemed rhetorical she could clearly see he looked nothing near 'okay'
Nate said nothing he stood there looking at her like a zombie contemplating on whether or not to eat her brains. Unsure of what to do Marie reached for his neck and pulled his 6ft frame into a hug.

They stood by the door for what seemed like an hour in the same position,no words exchange just the mutual understanding of one needed to comfort the other.
Marie could smell the alcohol and cigars on him.
Her mind was burning with a million questions and a great big lecture but she wasn't ready to hand it to him just yet.

"It's chilly out here,let's go inside" she said stroking his back soothingly. Refusing to completely detach from the comfort or her hands Nate laced his fingers with hers and allowed Marie to lead the way.

Marie tried countless times to start a conversation,her mouth would open but close once her mind couldn't find fitting words that would be enough to soothe the emotional mess sitting across from her.
Concern screamed so loud it chased away any logic statement as to why the vibrant, outspoken and cheerful Nate was now as downcast as 'Eeyore'.

"Blair found Laura" , Nate said finally drowning the silence.
Marie nearly dropped the phone she'd been fumbling with,her finger's stopped mid text and shock ran through her making her rigid.
Nate understood  the emotion riddled on Marie's face ,it was the same feeling he had when his sister dropped the boam on him.

"How'd she find her?"

"Ina" was all he could say refusing to relive the bitter argument they'd had.

"Wait make me understand,how did Ina fine Laura?"

Nate sighed breathing out the reminder of frustration he was feeling " Blair got so cosy with Ina she found it ok to spill the tea on why we have you and not out biological parents."

"And how'd that turn into a lost and found search?"

"Ina convinced Blair she'd help her find Laura and well ..she did,isnt  it great, a fucking stranger gets told our life story and now old wounds get peeled open"

Marie tossed him a glare not appreciating his tone but she said nothing. Her mind was reeling with questions ,how much did Ina know, how much did she find out and most importantly who was she really?

" Don't move , I'll be right back" Marie went straight to he room and dailed Iris wanting to get to the bottom of this immidiately.

"Hey babe" Iris chirped on the other end of the line

" What happened?" She said cutting right to the point

Iris' ignorance of what had transpired was instantly evident "With what?"  She asked.

"Blair and Nathan" Marie said trying to control her irritation

"Uh girl I don't know what you talking bout they all good"

Marie sighed holding the bridge of her nose Iris clearly had no clue of what was happening "is Blair near you?"

"Yep ama give her the phone right now" the line went quite for a few seconds and soon Blair's voice came through the speaker.

" Hey Marie"

" Your brother just popped up at my front door and his a drunken mess and his mumbling things I'm having a hard time believing ,wanna tell me what happened?"

Blair hesitated , she knew how the information she'd found would affect Marie " he went out with his friends probably too much parting"

Marie raised an eyebrow lucky for Blair she couldn't see it because she downright knew she was lying through her teeth.
"Right , anyway tell Iris I'll bring him back tomorrow once his sober, goodnight"

Marie cut the call before she could get a response ,she returned to the kitchen and found Nate chugging down a milk carton.
"Okay ,let's get you to bed champ" she grabbed the carton from him ,placed it on the table and dragged him up the step to one of the spare bedrooms.

" I'm s...sorry" he slurred  " I just didn't know what to do"
Marie smiled down at her intoxicated boy  brushing  her hand  through his silky strands she kissed his temple lightly ,wishpering for him to sleep.
She didn't protest when he jerked her onto the bed with him forcing her to sit and he placed his head in her lap and tried to give in to sleep.

Once she was certain he was completely asleep she moved his head on to a pillow ,she got off the bed and reached for a blanket pulling it over him slowly.
Warmth swept through her as she watched him look peaceful, not wanting to disturb him she turned to leave but was stopped when a hand grabbed her wrist.

" Don't leave , please" Nate's blue orbs Locked with hers  and his eyes did more than just plead,they let the pain his  soul had been holding inside spill freely.
Marie returned to her previous spot ,his head on her lap and hummed the melody of a song his mother sang to him once a while  as she stroked his hair.

"I've loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more ".

A/N :. Hey mi familiar!
Okay so I'm super sorry for the late update had final semester exams and all the school related drama. I'm always waiting to here from you leave a comment n a vote.
Love y'all 😘

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