5. suspension or Vacay?

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I'm up already dressed and walking out the door when I see Sydney's car in my drive way , she's dressed in one of her sexy power suits.  It's a light grey tone paired with white floral stilettos ,her hairs combed back and her make up pristine as always.

" Get in"  she mumbles,not sparing a glance my way.

she walks to her rather expensive car, I sigh know she's pissed

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she walks to her rather expensive car, I sigh know she's pissed.

" Uh you look nice" she rolls her eyes in the i-know manner
  " you still seeing that therapist?" She asks  locking our seatbelts in at the same time.

" Uh yes I am , why?" I'm genuinely confused at her question.

" We're going to get your money back" she says eyeing me a lil before the car engine humms  and we drive out of my place.

" In guessing you heard about yesterday's incident?" 

"Everybody at work heard about it " she sounds exasperated.

"I didn't mean to , I just..." I'm about to start rumbling but she cuts me off with a wave of her hand.

" You just lost it as always , your therapist's clearly  a rip off we are getting your money back and putting you in a mental institution"

I roll my eyes at her she's so dramatic at times. I'm thinking my next words through carefully because she's in mama mode right now.

" Do you have an idea who the man who's hand you almost chopped off is, clearly you don't his since you wanted to kill him"

I wanna scream at her she's siding with him His a pervert and he deserved it!

" Oh c'mon i was merely making statement"

" You threatened him, Marie his our third largest investor and we can't afford to have him drop out"
Oh please like he'd pull out that easily, wait would he?

" That's no reason for him to go around harassing his workers" I say crossing my legs , I'm trying to look sassy . I walk out once we reach the parking lot and   Iris pops up.

"Look Syd I'm sorry ok I know I messed up but that man's ego needed triming"

" So does your damn anger , you need to stop letting people get under your skin Marie " she's right.
I hate when she's right makes arguing with her less fun.

"Uh so I just heard Edith telling Jeff that you almost beat 'sexy pants' up yesterday"

My eyebrows Farrow in confusion "Who the hell is 'sexy pants'?"  My eyes darting between the two.

" Uh , the rich dude who won you last night, turns out the the women had their greedy eyes on him , Edith couldn't wait to spill the tea once she reached work today ".
Wait he picked Edith are you kidding me plastic cougar Barbie!

" Wait how does Edith know?" Syd asks  her lawyer senses must be tingly .

" Turns out his not that classy,once you left he returned to the gala and Edith couldn't resist spreading wide once he showed a lil Interest" Mia said appearing like a ninja

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