9. Blowing off steam

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" Do you have to be going back so soon?" Chloe ask pouting , I can't help but smile at her.

" Yeah Marie do you have go already" Amaya pipes in

I'm tying her hair into a cute little buns
,so far we've played tea parties Amaya's idea ,dyed out hair purple you can thank Chloe for that , gone shopping ,bought another dog thanks to Lila and her dog obsession and now here we are getting dolled up

I clap my hands " And I'm all done, you can look now"

I clap my hands " And I'm all done, you can look now"

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(A/N : the girls hair do ☝)

" I look so pretty" she muses , turning her head from side to side.

"Aww Chloe you look pretty!"
They all turn into a pile of giggles jumping up and down,thank you YouTube tutorials

" Now how about we go and prepare a room for Chase humm?"

After setting up a bed and food for the girls new Labrador they run off to the back yard obviously playing with the sprinklers since Greg's there. I'm off to the kitchen to romance a bowl of ice cream

"Don't you look stunning?!" And there goes my bowl flying out of my hands in fear and crushing to the floor.

" Jesus Nate you freaking scared me!" I place my hand over my heart dramatically "and you made me drop my I cream " I glare at him.

"Aww pookie I'm sowie" he says faking a pout pulling me into a hug ,curse him for being so damn cute, I swat his arms away and clean up the glass that's flown everywhere.

" Just saw the girls run by they look pretty" he rests his elbow on the kitchen island ,still smiling at me. His in a white T-shirt , black jeans and red Vans.

" Yeah we went shopping bought a few things " I'm looking for another bowl for my ice cream.

" You did your hair bought a new dog" he says mocking my tone of voice.

(A/N : Marie's new hair color 👇😊).

(A/N : Marie's new hair color 👇😊)

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