15. 'Tea'

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            Uknown P.O.V.

A/N: mature scene ahead . snowflakes indicate the start and end of  the scene,you can skip it if you find smut uncomfortable. You won't miss anything.

I watched longingly as they sat on the floor of the perfectly posh house I'd once called my home. Except now the walls where redone , each room a gastly contrast to the other. One some shades to bright and another shades too dark it was almost depressing.

Eleanora would be upheld by this, I remember her being a woman of extreme order, now all that was thrown out the window.
The irony is I'm peering through a window to get a look at my assigned target.
I've been watching this mixed family for months eyeing one being in particular.

After taking in enough of the sappy love filled moment. I return back to my home and it doesn't take long before the man who assigned me the tedious tasks waltz in .

" I forgot just how much I hate your ability to lurk" he sends me his multi million dazzling smile . If I was as dumb as most of the women he persues I would have fallen for it but I'm far from dumb.

" I saw you skillfully leave the house, I don't suppose  it was to go shopping for those rags you call clothing" he says momentarily eyeing the plunging V neck ,knee high black dress I'm wearing "or was it to see one of your multiple lovers?"he mocks, his face passive as speaks obviously trying to pick at my already tired nervous. Fucking prick.

" it's called sneaking out and yes I have some information for you" I toss a whiskey glass at him but because of his cursed abilities he grabs it without spilling a single drop of the liquid. Fucking leech abilities.

Grabbing a brown folder i compiled a few weeks ago I hand it him as I take a sit adjacent to him. Sipping on the whiskey to calm my nerves.
He flips the folder open and I give him a run down.

"First girl is Reece Riverdale.
No elias.

Degree holding Archeologist,
Renowned Chef.

She's 28, has no children.

Engaged to Japanese tycoon Yoshi Taro.
Explosives expert.
Amazing off road racer". I pause taking a swig at the bitter strong liquid that leaves a sweet burning trail down my chest.

He scans through the document and nods a few times and he flips two pages ahead.

"That's Sydney Calvera ,birth name Irina Baranov.

Majored in Business Law, obviously as a way to build a character.
Did a bit of Fashion designing and
Interior decor.

She's aged 30,has one child aged 18 ,lives in Russia.
Single and is currently working for Le Diamante.

Shes an Explosives expert. Ever heard of night shade? Yeah she was one of the top scientists on it.
Sky jumper
Great combat skills".

He raised an eyebrow as he looks through her profile obviously impressed by her annoyingly stunning physique.

" You're telling me this long legged goddess is thirty?" He asks an Express I don't get so often plastered on his face.

I roll my eyes at him and continue
"Next is Mia Gonzalez ,real name is Mercedes Yakamora

Mixed race, obviously.
Aged 24

Software engineer
Did ninjutsu and lung fu .And. professional accountant.
Literal geek in the group.
Poor sense of fashion.
Currently working for Le Diamante and
In a relationship with one of our own. Liam Bennett.

Shes a skilled Hacker and tracker.
Great set of combat skills and surprisingly a good Long range Sniper
Ran Delta snake eyes for the Chinese government for a couple of years before going dark."

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