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The mirror in her hand didn't lie; if anything, it reflected Spinel's happiness perfectly.

She was in Steven's room, lying on the bed, her face to the ceiling. It had been months since she'd last slept, and that fact alone only served to alleviate her mood. For the first time in 6,000 years, she was healing; not just herself, but the Earth as well. She'd remedied her mistake fully, which was more than the Diamonds could say for themselves...

No, Spinel, we talked about this. Don't let them ruin your moment. You'll be with Pink soon enough.

As she turned her attention back to her reflection, it momentarily took her by surprise. Nevertheless, the Gem staring back was a spinel by every mean; a spinel whose tear tracks had since dissolved into freckles. A spinel who'd smiled, who'd laughed, who'd loved, more than she'd ever thought herself capable of doing. She'd saved a planet—redeemed herself—and had a lover to return to at the end of the day. All was right. All was perfect.

All was found.

Steven entered the room shortly, and as he waved to Spinel, she noted how he'd changed as well: his baby blue shirt had since been traded for a black one, which he wore under his pink letterman's jacket. A few months ago, he'd worried for Spinel, but as he looked upon the Gem, who'd recently poofed and reformed without her scars, he knew she was in a peaceful state of mind. He wished he could say the same for Pink Pearl, whom Spinel had advised he leave well alone, as she was still incredibly vulnerable. It seemed Spinel was the only Gem, or human for that matter, who'd successfully gotten through to her. Steven envied her that power, as part of him still yearned to heal the pearl himself.

"Hey, Spin. You feeling better?"

The Gem nodded enthusiastically, and handed him the mirror as he sat on the bed beside her.

"You take it; I don't need it anymore."

Steven set it on the bedside table, and when he turned back to Spinel, she was crying.

"I know who I am now," she choked, failing to suppress a smile. "Thanks for giving me a second chance."

Steven pulled her into a hug, and she obliged to the gesture, savoring the moment. She couldn't remember a time when she'd had so many friends...

"You're not like her," she proclaimed finally. "You were raised by Gems who cared...you know? The Diamonds...they don't know how to love."

Startled, Steven pulled away. "Spinel, what are you saying? The Diamonds love you just as much as I do! Sure, they can be hard to get along with, but give them a chance and—"

"It's her, isn't it? I'm only there because of her. First, I'm a replacement for Pink Pearl, whom they tortured and brainwashed, and now I'm expected to replace Pink Diamond, whom they drove to rebellion! I can't believe I ever wanted to give them a second chance..."

Steven didn't speak, for as much as he hated to admit it, Spinel had a point.

"I thought it could work out...I thought things could be great...that we could reconcile...but I don't think they care about me. Not like they should, anyway..."

At this, Steven sighed and smiled. "I beg to differ. The Diamonds want to have you at tonight's ball. They've genuinely missed you, and before you go telling me it's because you're supposed to stand in for Pink, I can assure you that it's not. I've been spending way more time than usual with the Diamonds, and I'm typically the one standing in for Pink. They want you back, Spinel, because they love you."

The Gem froze, for she felt a new bout of tears coming on. "Y...you mean that? They want m—"

All of a sudden, she burst into sobs, and Steven held her in his arms again. When they pulled away this time, however, his expression was oddly solemn.

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