NB7 - Newbie

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Natural Born

Chapter 7 - Newbie

Sep. 10, 2014

        Lena brought me home to get a few things before we went to her house, which, even as impossible as it might seem, is an even larger mansion than the one Luca lives in. I never imagined that I would want to kill my parents, but the desire was there the moment I stepped through the door. I could nearly feel their pulse as the blood ran through their body. I don’t know why I wanted to kill both my parents because I hadn’t wanted to kill Lena, and didn’t they say that Natural Borns had at least one parent as a vampire? Shouldn’t one of my parents be a vampire? Lena commented that my reaction was much better than she had been expecting. I think its just because it hasn’t sunk in, not really. Or maybe its like the little voice at the back of my mind keeps telling me. I already knew. On some level, I knew.

        “Jana, if you don’t hurry up and get ready for school then I’ll just leave you to fend for yourself.” Lena was standing in the doorway to her temporary bedroom. She had heeled knee-length black boots along with a black skirt. There was a tight blue shirt barely visible in a slight opening of her black biker jacket.

        “I am ready.”

        Her eyes scanned over her and she snorted. “Okay, that may have been okay before you transitioned, but now you’re one of us, and you have to fit in with us. Come on, you can borrow my clothes for today, but we’re going to have to go shopping before we work on anything else.”

        Jana had to roll her eyes. This girl was crazy, especially if she thought clothes were the most important thing about her. “Well, as excited as I am for that, what am I going to do about the desire I have to rip out the throat of any human that is within even fifteen feet of me? The school is full of humans. I don’t want to kill anyone.”

        She smiled and there was a deviousness about it. “Then don’t. You have some restraint. Use it. Besides, you ate last night. You don’t need to feed for at least eight more hours, though because you just transitioned, we won’t be taking any chances. We’ll go out for lunch and get a bite of food.”

        Jana followed her through the halls to her own bedroom, worried about what she was going to be forced to wear.

        “We’ll stick with simple, for now. We don’t want you going crazy on your first official day as a vampire and Kool Kid. We have a reputation to keep up.” She pulled out a few different pieces of clothes before grabbing another leather jacket. “Here, go and put these on. I’ll be looking for some shoes to suit you.” She pointed to a door and Jana made the assumption that it was a bathroom, or another closet.

        When she walked in, she wasn’t at all surprised to see that the bathroom looked expensive too. She couldn’t tell what anything was made out of, because she had never cared to know what type of stone or material was the best quality. It never seemed important. Pulling the clothes on, she felt completely out of her element. The jeans were black skinny jeans, hugging every inch of her leg, and the shirt wasn’t an actual shirt. It had no sleeves and dipped lower than she was comfortable with.

        With the leather jacket hanging on her arm, she walked back into the bedroom, about ready to complain.

        “Wow, that look definitely suits you, though we have to do something about that hair. You can’t pull it back all the time anymore. It doesn’t look great on you. You would draw a lot more people to you if you just embraced the beauty you could have, especially because you’re a vampire. Now you simply naturally have more beauty to you. Don’t waste it.” She pulled her hair out of the half pony she had had it in and ran her fingers through it until she was satisfied. “There, now it looks like it has body and volume. Make sure you wear your jacket. Too much skin shown can be a danger to the male population.” She winked before going back into the closet.

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