Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kayla's pov
I went to lunge forward at her but before I could even take a step I was restrained from behind. I managed to get out of their grip and lunged at her again but I was forced back against the wall by Damon. "Get her out of here!" Damon yelled to Stefan. I looked at Katherine and she seemed scared. She should be cause as soon as I get out of Damon's hold I was going to rip her apart. Before I new it Katherine and Stefan had both disappeared but Damon still had a firm hold on me. "Kayla that's not Katherine!" Damon tried to tell me. "I'm not blind, I know who I saw! Let go of me!!" "No!" Damon yelled. "Why not?" I questioned him "because you will do something stupid!" "Killing that bitch isn't stupid, it's smart, she is the one that ruined this family, she ruined our lives, she turned us into vampires. None of this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her!." I said with a dark tone in my voice. "She is not Katherine! Her name is Elena!" After he said this I managed to break free of his hold and disappeared into the woods where I would be able to clear my head and hunt down that bitch.

Stefan's pov

I quickly managed to get Elena out of the house and away from Kayla. We were now in Elena's house because she would be safe here. Kayla has not been invited in so therefore she can not enter. I understand where my sister is coming from but she needs to understand that it's Elena not Katherine. "Who is she?" Elena asked, bringing me back to earth. "She is.... My sister.." I replied slowly. I have never told Elena about Kayla and I have a feeling Elena is gonna be annoyed because I kept it from her this whole time. "Your sister?" She asked confused. "Yep,damon and I have a sister." "How come you have never told me about her?" "Because I don't talk about her, I haven't seen her in over 100 years, we did not keep in contact. She turned into a raging murderer when she was turned into a vampire." "And she has this incredible amount of hate for the person who turned her, she claims that they ruined the family." "....Katherine.." Elena said in shock. "That's why she tried to attack me." I nodded my head. "And until we have Kayla convinced that you are not Katherine, you are not safe around her. At all. She will kill you and will not hesitate at all." "But you don't need to worry, I will not let anything happen to you."I said while hugging her."Anyway I'm sure that once she knows that your not Katherine she will love you." I said, not only to reassure Elena. But also myself, I still have a feeling that they are not going to get along.
*ding dong*.
As the doorbell rang Elena went to answer it before I could. She opened the door and to my surprise there, standing on the porch not even a meter away from the door was Kayla.
"Hello Stefan, Katherine."
"She is not Katherine." I tried to convince my sister.
"She sure looks like Katherine, I'm not stupid!" She replied raising her voice. My sister had one hell of a temper.
"She is Katherine's doppelgänger."
"So she can die then anyway cause there is another one of her somewhere. Since this one is the only one I can see around, it will have to be you." Kayla said with a dark tone in her voice.
I protectively stepped in front of Elena so that Kayla wouldn't be able to get near her. She is smart though, she will find away if she really wants something. And that something was Elena. Dead.
"I won't let you touch her." I said putting emphasis on the "won't".
"Ohh I get it, your in love with her....hahaha. Do you miss Katherine that much?"she asked while laughing.
"She is nothing like Katherine"
"Sure." Kayla said unconvinced.
"Elena is the exact opposite to Katherine."

Kayla's pov

"I'll be the judge of that. I won't kill her, I will just ignore the fact that she looks like Katherine , because I am a nice sister and I have not come back to this stupid town just to get into a fight with you. Elena and I will start from fresh. My attitude from now on is completely based on her actions.
So, Elena, it's all in your hands."
Even though I said I won't kill her, doesn't mean I won't be tempted. It's all up to her in how I act. I won't kill her if she doesn't give me a reason.

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