Chapter 8

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Kayla's pov

I woke up and did not know where I was. That was until I realised what happened and what I did last night. I have mixed emotions. I came back to mystic falls for my brothers and here I am sleeping with a guy who is pretty much their enemy. Ugh. I've messed up. It's not that I don't like klaus, I do, he is absolutely perfect in every single way. "Good morning sweetheart." I heard, distracting me from my thoughts. I looked next to me and there klaus was, on his side, staring at me. The blanket was half pulled down so I could see his perfectly toned torso. All of the negatives of this situation seemed to disappear at the sound of his voice and the sight of him. "Good morning" I replied. I picked up my phone from the table beside the bed. 10 missed calls from stefan. Oops. "I will be right back, just got to call stefan." I said to klaus. I picking up my clothes off the floor while I was dressed in one of the sheets from the bed. I went to the bathroom, got dressed and dialed stefans number. "Where are you?!" I heard immediately on the phone. "At a hotel, there was a party last night."I replied honesty, just leaving out a few details. "Get home" Stefan said to me sternly. "Where is home?" I asked truthfully cause honestly, mystic falls is not my home. There was no reply. "Come back to the boarding house so I know where you are." He said. "I'm not a baby Stefan, I don't need you and damon watching over me. You haven't for over a hundred years so why are you starting now?" I asked annoyed. "You came back to reunite with us, so come back and do that." Stefan replied. "Ugh, fine, I will be back soon." "Good see you then" he replied. I hung up the phone and walked out the bathroom and into the bedroom. I looked at the bed and klaus wasn't there. I turned around to walk out the door and there klaus was. Directly behind me. To be honest is scared me cause I wasn't expecting him to be there. But I didn't let him know that. "Where are you going?" Klaus asked me, standing very close to me. "I have to get back." I said. "Why so soon?" He asked me. "My brothers. I came back to reunite with them." I replied. Klaus sighed and said; "well I guess we better head back."
(At the boarding house)
"Im back!" I yelled out as I walked through the door. "I'm here" I heard Stefan yell from what is sounded like the lounge room/parlour. I walked in and sure enough, there was Stefan. And Elena? Why? "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing." He replied. "That's it, I came back for this? Just to stay in this house bored out of my mind? Partying was way better." I muttered the last bit. "And who were you with." Stefan asked. Oh my god why does he ask so many questions? "People" I answered, technically speaking the truth just missing out the fact that I was with the person who has tried to kill them. "Like who?" Stefan asked not dropping the subject. "Like you know, random townies and people who spend their whole lives at bars." I said. "Why do I feel like you are keeping something from me?" Stefan asked me. "Cause your paranoid." I said bluntly. "Okay! I was also with Klaus." I whispered the last bit. "You what?!" I heard Elena speak for the first time since we first met. Ugh her voice already annoys me and it's not just because it sounds like Katherine. "I was with Klaus." I said louder. "How could you? He tried to kill me, he tried to kill your brothers, he killed Jenna." Elena demanded. "Who?" I asked referring to Jenna. "My aunt." She answered. "Oh okay, umm, what the hell does that have to do with me?" I asked her. "You have betrayed your brothers by doing this, you are a terrible person, you are just as bad as klaus!"Elena yelled at me. I patiently let her finish, cleared my throat and then I replied to her accusations. "Elena, you know nothing about me! I have known you for like a day and your already pissing me off! Ugh already just the sound of your voice makes me want to rip out your throat! I don't care that he tried to kill you, in fact, The only reason I haven't killed you is because my brother clearly for some stupid reason,feels something for you. However my control only goes so far, Elena, so if I was you I would watch that tone of yours and think about who you are talking to. Otherwise I swear to god I will kill you no matter the consequences."
"Kayla..." I heard Stefan say as if to warn me that I was pushing the boundaries. "Yes Stefan?" I asked innocently. Stefan moved to stand in front of Elena protectively and proceeded to say "Your not going to touch Elena. Ever. Okay?" He said it more of a statement than a question. "My dear brother that all depends on her attitude. You know, I can't always control my temper." I said while staring at Elena. After I said that, Stefan did not remove his stare from me and did not move away from Elena. That's probably best for her but then again Stefan cant take me down on his own. So really it wouldn't make a difference. Elena may think she is all powerful and confident but when faced with death she will not be so fearless.

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