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yes. anyways, this is my first time writing on wattpad so yea it might be a bit cringey..e n j o y

it was around noon and brendon was at home in his studio. he decided that he wanted to write a new song, he wanted to write it out, instead of using his computer. he thought the outcome of the song would be more heartfelt.

 he settled comfortably in his chair while he brain stormed a few ideas on the lined paper. it was a hour later when he settled on a chorus and decided he would work his way around it.

'i need something to work with here...' brendon thought, eyes darting around the room looking for his prized possession. finally, his eyes settled on his acoustic guitar. he got up from his chair and made a beeline for his guitar. after grabbing it, he decided to warm up a bit. he played a few songs and on his last song he was to play for warming up he decided to go without a pick.

the song he was playing required fast movement of his fingers. soon enough, he had cut one of his own fingers.

"frick" he mumbled setting his guitar down.

brendon inspected the  cut, it was shallow but he wanted a band aid for it. he got up and walked out of his studio, into the living room, and saw dallon standing in the kitchen.

"oh hey bren" the tall bassist said.

"oh hey dallon, any chance you know where the band aids are?" , he asked sheepishly. dallon was known for being a mother hen, mostly towards brendon.

"why? what happened?! are you hurt? wheres the bleeding?!" questions of concern flew at brendons face, and soon enough dallon was standing infront of him, checking for wounds.

"dal..im fine, its just a small cut..." , brendon showed dallon his finger.


"but-" brendon was cut off by two strong arms lifting him up, bridal style. brendon blushed but quickly hid it.

"i dont think this is necess -" brendon protested

" no complaining, you need urgent care right now" dallon said as he walked up the stairs, then gently placing brendon on their bed.

"stay" he ordered then he left the room.

brendon only smiled to himself. a few moments later dallon came back in the room with a medical tub.

dallon grabbed a band aid with gerard ways face on it (A/N i had to), opened it and carefully put it on brendons finger.

"done yet?" brendon asked sarcastically .

"very much so" dallon shot back.

brendon chuckled and began to  edge off the bed to stand. but a force pushed him back.

"no. you are going to get some sleep before anything else" dallon stated.

" i have to write a song tho -" soon brendon was in a embrace with dallons arms and legs around him, whilst he lay, in a protective manner. brendon didnt complain as he buried his face in the crook of the taller mans neck and dozed off into a peaceful slumber.

w0w what a StOry. so i hoped u liked it and if u want a request or anything just tell me in the comments. im gonna try to publish every week or twice a week i dunno. but ye bAi for now.


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