the E.R.

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aGH so im back and kinda better i guess : I anyways this is my 30th chapter, woo. yea, tons of excitement there. i wanted to make a 30 chapter special but no good ideas came to mind. this one is gonna be about christmas and the E.R. yes yes, i know its april but like i t s a n i d e a o k ? but yea i like this song, its pretty cool. idk if anyone can tell but tyler is doing the backup vocals. oFf tOPiC- so yea, e n j o y.

christmas eve, what a nice time.

a nice time to relax with your family, eat dinner together before the big day, play games, open early gifts.

pff, yea, what a nice time to be driving to the hospital because your pretty sure you just broke your finger.

dallon looked a bit to the left to see his hand hanging off the steering wheel, he was currently using his wrist and his only other good hand to drive his car.

dallon thought back to how stupid he was and how he had somehow managed to smash a door on his index finger.

 he was trying to grab his pizza (pre payed online by the way) as quick as he could before his dog would come charging at the poor pizza man and scare him away. the delivery guy was there and gone in an instant and dallon had over thought it, a lot. he had quickly closed the door with his elbow, but before, his dog came barking out of nowhere and had scared the bassist, thus causing him to smash the door on his finger.

he shouldn't have left his finger on the door frame, dumb move, dallon, really dumb move.

he took in a breath and pulled into the hospital parking lot. since there wasn't many people who had managed to hurt themselves or something else, the parking lot was...semi empty, i guess you could call it.

dallon shivered as he got out of the car and much to his dismay, he noticed he was only wearing a light sweater, his 'i am a scientist' black one, with a button up shirt underneath, of course. he shook again and decided to make his way towards the E.R. entrance.

once inside, he went to the front desk and, thank god he was right handed, filled out a form that dallon thought was stupid. after he finished he gave the form back and sat down in a row of seats, the news softly playing the background.

dallon titled his head to examine his finger again and saw that the bottom of his nail was bruised and a blackish purple color, the skin around it was also red. he could feel with every beat of his heart, his finger throbbed. 

"ouch", came a monotone voice from besides him.

dallon looked over to see a man with black hair and curved glasses sitting besides him while clutching- or carefully holding his right hand. he had black jeans, converse, and a hoodie on. pretty nice looking as well.

"yea, it sucks, i smashed a door on my finger..", dallon sighed, looking at his trembling finger.

the man snickered.

"hey. you're not looking too good either, hot shot!", dallon fired back, but slightly smiling.

"what happened to you?", dallon leaned a bit more over to see that the mans hand was bleeding, various scrapes on his hand. almost all of them were bleeding pretty badly. also, the man seemed to be holding the wrist up so his wrist must be one of the major problems.

"ah, well, ya see, i tried to ski off the roof, of course!", he sounded all cheery but he wasn't finished. 

"after that, i tripped over one the ski shoe thingys and fell off before i could land..right into my moms stupid thorn bushes, i tried to get out by using my hand but i got all scraped up."

 the man took a quick breath and continued rambling on about how some guy- or friend, what was it...skence?..spamcer..spencer! it was spencer that had helped him.

"that sounds like it must have hurt", dallon saw the other man nod, "well, im dallon, i would shake you hand but im to tired right now, no harsh feelings."

the man chuckled, "im brendon, probably the hottest guy you have ever laid eyes on". that was replied with a snort from dallon and brendons smug face dropped and he huffed sinking into his chair.

silence came over the two as they waited.

"i probably are, to be honest.", dallon said.

brendon sniggered again and examined his hand.

"Mr. Urie?", came the soft voice of a nurse, who was standing by the entrance to a hallway of rooms.

"welp, nice meeting ya dallon, here", brendon slipped something out of his pocket and it landed in dallons lap. dallon grabbed it with his good hand and snapped his head up to where brendon had went.

it was his damn phone number.

and all it said was:

i am and will always be the hottest guy u will ever see, call me sometime 

- b

how he managed to write a note without dallon noticing, no idea, but only one other thing mattered:

when dallon had wentz home it was 12 am, he had gotten a date at 1 am.

nicee. so yep, that was my fic for today, honestly i dont kno what to say for my outro. but agAin, thnks fr th reads and votes : ). idk if yall can help but i kinda need some ideas for my stories lmao. other than that i hope yalls quarantine has been productive, i know mine hasnt. ive been doing like 4 hours of skool work and then just watch a bunch of lab rats. but yea, hope yall r staying safe. now i gtg so stay safe, love yall, and bAiii.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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