2 kiddos

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aw. so the top one is dallon i believe and the bottom one is beebo. its just rlly cute lmao. but in this one they r kids and i wanna make it just rlly fluffy. also might be a bit short. also screw the publishing schedule imma just update when i can. but without further ado, e n j o y.

first day of 1st grade.

  (A/N there a bit older than they r in the pics)

brendon hated school, never felt like he belonged..but he still went by the rules of his mother.

brendon was a nice kid, he really was, but he just lacked the part of paying attention.

this was a really cool pencil..it had a pattern of blue green and purple. this desk also was a bit wobbly but he could manage.

woah....some kid had this really cool star wars bag, and-

 "BRENDON?!" the childs head looked up, his teacher was calling him, for attendance he assumed.

 " y-yes?" brendon mumbled quietly.

 he earned a sigh at that, "please pay more attention next time, yes?" she said with quick flick of her wrist.

 "yes mrs..uh-" brendon couldn't remember correctly.

 "mrs barker, you should have listened better" that comment had the other kids sniggering in brendons direction, who had put his head down.

after a long boring introduction of why they were here to learn, mrs barker made them pair up with someone and tell the person one fact about themselves.

brendons head was still down when he heard a chair scape next to him.

 "h-hi im dallon..." said a soft voice.

 brendon found himself to be soothed by the voice so he wearily looked up.

a tall-ish boy with brown hair and dark blue eyes was staring at him with a small shy smile.

 "uhm...hi im brendon, nice to meet you.." dallon nodded back at him and smiled softly.

 "do you like coloring?" brendon asked.

and who knew one small question could spark into a close friendship. from that day on dallon and brendon were inseparable.

then came valentines day.

brendon had made a heart and scribbled a small picture of brendon and dallon, playing guitars together on the beach. a little note was written on the bottom.

 "ᴮᴱ ᴹᴵᴺᴱˢ ᵛᴬᴸᴱᴺᵀᴵᴺˢ ?"

 brendon also put a little packet of rockstar gummys, dallons favorite.

so at the end of the day, during recess, brendon gave his valentine to dallon.

dallon took one look at it, then evolved them in a hug, brendon grinned and hugged dallon back. the next day dallon gave one to brendon as well and they never left each others company.

yay i finished it did seem a bit short but like idgaf rn im tired so yea. but we have school off tmr bc of teacher plan day :>> i wonder how im gonna waste it. anyways thnk u for almost 5 0 0 reads means alot, but yea im tired so comment, review, request, whatever yall wanna do. but for now stay safe, love yall, and bAii.


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