His smile

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Third person POV
It was at night 11:00pm wangyibo was 
on his way to go commit another crime this time his target was a billionaire he knocked on the doors the guy opened the door and yibo took out his gun "boom" the billionaire got shot right through the head
"Boss we have got what we came for, we need to go"
"What a pity "
When Yibo and his body guards left the mansion they heard people talking and footsteps coming closer to them
"Boss I will go take care of them"
"Hold on"
The group of people that was coming towards them was Xiaozhan and Ning they got drunk and was yelling and screaming
"Ning, you want to know something I always want to go on a date with someone but I don't think no one likes me"(drunk)
"Xiaozhan don't worry there will be someone better for you, forget about him" (drunk)
"It's ok I don't have feelings for him anymore from now on I won't easily fall for anyone anymore"(drunk)
Xiaozhan gave a bright smile to Ning and at the corner where wangyibo and his guards are at saw Xiaozhan's smile at that point it was like key that opened a lock to wangyibo he saw the most beautiful person he has ever seen he was zoned out into space until he heard the cops coming he and his guards quickly got into their car and just before Yibo got into his car he looked back at Xiaozhan and smiled
And said
" I'll see you soon my little bunny "

I uploaded the first chapter I hope you guys like it sir far remember to vote and comment and follow me for more updates❤️❤️😊😊

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