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I couldn't go to sleep, thinking about what Yibo said. I was scared that he had a baby with a women behind my back. I turned around to face Yibo, he was asleep the more I think about it the more I wanted to cry.
"Zhan Zhan Why are you awake so early"
Yibo turned me around to face him when he saw me he was shocked
"Zhan Zhan what happened! Why are you crying!? Your eyes are all puffy and red!!" Yibo raised his hands up to my face to wipe the tears off of my face.
"Yibo did you.....have a baby with someone else"
"I thought about it all night yesterday if you had a baby with someone else..... please don't leave me, I don't want to leave you"
"Zhan Zhan What are you talking about I never had a baby with anyone, I only love you"
"Then what do you mean by having a baby"
"Zhan Zhan you are so cute, what I mean is we can go get a pet so it's like a baby"
"Zhan Zhan don't cry I'm sorry it's my fault that I didn't explain to you sorry please don't cry"
Yibo kisses me on my eyes then nose and then to my lips we kissed for a good moment and he let go.
"Do you feel better now"
"Mmm. I want another one"
"What!? I didn't hear you"
"I said I want a another kiss"
"Zhan Zhan is this a invitation?"
"I already said it up to this point, what else do you think I mean "
"Zhan Zhan you are driving me crazy"
"Hurry up"
Yibo came on top of me and kissed me from my forehead to my lips
"Zhan Zhan I love you"
"Ngh~ I love you too"
It was in the middle of taking off our clothes when Yibo suddenly pushed me against the wall and started to strip me off harshly
"Yibo Why are you being so aggressive"
"I've been wanting to do this for a long time already, it's because I didn't want to hurt you when we did it the first couple of times so I didn't go hard on you"
"Liar you always went hard on me you just don't notice it"
"Zhan Zhan help me"
"I have no idea how you can hard so fast and easily I just gave it to you last night"
"It's because of you, you always make me hard"
"Ngh~ Yibo can you prepare me this time it really hurts"
Yibo didn't listen to me he went right in and started thrusting in and out he moved me from the wall to the bed and thrusted in me harder
"Z..Zhan Zhan you are really tight"
"Ngh~ annh~ahhh~ Yibo slow down I can't take it anymore"
"Zhan Zhan you are going to break me loosen up a bit"
"Ngh~ it's all your fault your too big"
Yibo smacked my ass which made me sucked tighter on his dick
"Zhan Zhan you are really going to break me"
"Then stop smacking me you are going to make me hold on even tighter"
"Then you can help me with your mouth"
Yibo took his dick out of my ass and placed his dick in front of my face
"Zhan Zhan here help me"
I kneeled down in front of him and licked his tip Yibo hissed and looked down at me I teased him by kissing his tip and breathing on it which made him a little annoyed
"Zhan Zhan don't tease me"
"Its all your fault for making me cry I'm going to punish you"
I licked his tip again and sucked on it after, I went all the way down ti his balls and back up I did it a couple of more times until I felt that Yibo was about to cum I quickly let go and blow a air at his dick
"Zhan Zhan you are going to make me ravish you"
"That's What you get for making me cry all night"
"Zhan Zhan I'm sorry I will do what ever you want"
"Ok then let's end it here today I don't want to go on anymore"
Yibo grabbed me by my arms and flipped me around he raised my ass up to his dick and inserted it he started to thrust back and forth and smacked my ass and running it I felt sensation and started to ride on him and finally we both reached our climax
(Next morning)............ to be continued

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