chapter 10

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I walked out of the bathroom with yibo and I got into new clothing. I walked up the stairs and then outside I went through the doors and into the mansion there on the couch was ning but there was also this other woman who was sitting on the other end of the couch she had a red dress on with heels and she looked like she was in her mid 20's. I walked over to the couch and ning saw me

"xiaozhan where have you been??"

"I'm ok, see I'm all good " (Ning gave me a hug and from behind me I felt cold, I could feel a cold set of eyes staring at me from behind.)

I let go of ning and turned around to look at yibo he had a scary face it almost looked like he could anyone if anyone said another word.

"What's wrong with you, why you look so mad" (He pulled me from the side of ning next to his side so that now I am standing right next to him)

"If you are here just to see him than you could leave now"

"What who are you talking to me like that"

"This is my place and he is also mine"(pointing at xiaozhan)

"what?! xiaozhan is this real, aren't you coming back to school"


"If you don't leave now I will have to kill you"

"no! yibo you cant do that he is my friend"

"ning leave please, I will call you and explain everything to you later"

Ning was angry and got escorted out the door by the guards. Then the lady that was always sitting on the couch finally got up and she came up to me and yibo and said 

"now that you are done with that brat, aren't you suppose to spend some alone time with me"

The lady pushed me away from yibo's side and got very close to him this made me feel........mad.

Who do you guys think is the lady and what will happen to the relationship between yibo and xiaozhan???? remember to comment and vote and follow me for more updates. Thank you so much for the support I love you guys. And once again sorry for the late update.

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