Chapter 17

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"Don't move or I will cut his throat"
Xing was screaming her hand was flowing with blood from the shot.
She moved as far as she needed to run away she pushed me to Yibo, picked up her gun and ran away quickly but, Ning went after her.
"Ning where are you going"
I was going to go after him but Yibo stopped me
"You stay here I will go after him don't worry I will bring him back safe"
I nodded and waited for Yibo to bring Ning back.
Third person POV
Ning caught up to xing and tried to catch her but xing is a professional killer even when she got shot she is stronger than Ning she put her gun right on his head. Yibo at that time caught up to them and saw the situation he raised his gun up and pointed it towards xing again
"Yibo if you shoot this little boy he will die with me what will your lover think of you then."
"Let him go"
"I'm taking him with me, that way I have a shield"
"What do you want"
"I just want you to love me back but you never even pay attention to me I have known you for more than he did why can't you see the love that I have shown for you"
"Look at yourself, that's exactly why I don't like you"
Xing started to laugh like crazy and said
"Well then say good bye to this little boy"
Xiaozhan came to where they were at and saw that Ning was about to be killed he came running as fast as possible to save Ning but everything was too late Ning got shot in the head he fell to the floor and Xiaozhan came running towards him with his last breath Ning said
"Xiaozhan, am I going to die"
"No no no you not please Ning I will send you the hospital right now stay with me" Xiaozhan was crying and trying to hold back his tears
"Xiaozhan I'm scared right now, the feeling of dying is scary"
"No you are not going to die, you are going I be fine"
"Xiaozhan, I am happy to have a friend like you, I don't regret knowing you and becoming your friend when I die remember to bring me my favorite food in front of my grave"
"Ning please don't say anything anymore you will be fine"
"Xiaozhan, Don't be sad I wish you and Yibo the best" after Ning said his last words his eyes were shut and he stopped breathing. Xiaozhan put a finger under his nose to check, there
Was no air Xiaozhan collapses and screamed crying, his best friend had died right in front of him he held Ning dead body in his arms daring off into space and mumbling
"Sorry Ning"

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