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Just when I was going to finish my sentence yibo's phone rang
"Ok I will be there soon"
Then he hanged up the phone
"Where are you going"
"I will be going somewhere for a couple of days you stay here and wait for me to come back ok "
"Awww~ Why~ can't you take me with you"
"I wish I could but it's too dangerous it's best for you to stay here"
"What are you going to do that is so dangerous"
"Zhan Zhan I will tell ou everything when I come back ok"
"Fine, But make sure to be back soon and take care of yourself"
He nodded his head and rubbed my head before he went out the door. I went up to the bedroom and it was really quiet I got bored soon then I got up and went downstairs to walk around then he door bell rang I went to open door
"Yes. What can do I do for you "
"This is mr.wang he said these packages are for you"
"Uhh.... ok thank you"
I bring all the packages in it was a lot of boxes I opened them one by one there were books and video games and a new phone for me and there were a whole bunch of snacks I smiled and bring all the things upstairs to enjoy I opened the phone and went to the phone section and there was his number already there I pressed it and called him he immediately picked up
"Did you like the things I got you"
"Yes. But it would of been better if you were here"
"Don't worry honey I will be back soon"
"Ok. I love you"
"I love you too"
I hanged up the phone and went to take a nap. It was probably a few hours later outside was dark and I heard knocking on my door............

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