The end

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I woke up in the morning and thought It's been 2 years since me and Yibo has been together. Yibo has been treating me even better than before. Every morning I wake up to see his face and eat the food he cooks me, I couldn't ask for a better man. Yibo still have the habit of killing people when he let his emotions get to him but he is much better than before, I am there to calm him down and I could tell that he is trying his best for me.
"Zhan Zhan I have a surprise for you"
"What is it?"
He walked over to me and put a cloth over my eyes and led me into a room he took off the cloth and I opened my eyes to see the room full of candles and balloons
"Do you like it?"
"What's this for?"
"It's our two year anniversary!!"
" remember"
"How can I not remember, you are the most important to me"
I smiled at him and gave him a long hug. After I let go of him he reached into his pocket and kneeled down on the floor, I was really surprised that I moved a step back.
"Zhan Zhan will you be my husband?"
I never thought one day this guy would get on his knees and give me a ring asking me if I wanted to marry him. I never once thought that he will want to be spending the rest of life with me.
I was crying while he put the ring on my finger, then he pulled me in for a kiss.
We both looked and the window and embraced each other, I am really happy that I will be spending the rest of my life with this man that I love with my heart.
"Zhan Zhan.........."
There was along long pause after Yibo spoke again
"I love you"
Just three simple words can be everything to me. Even though he says it to me everyday I still get fluttered every time he says it. The one thing I like about him is that not only he says he loves me but he shows it through action and that's what not a lot of people can do.
"I love you too"................................................................................................................................
I am happy that he has captured me.

The end!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed reading my stories and thank you for the love and support you guys have been showing. I will be back soon with another story so watch out for the notifications!!! I will see you guys soon

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